Friday, July 5, 2013

Rockford, Wash., Town Council April 17, 2013 Meeting Minutes

Rockford Town Council
April 17, 2013
7:00 PM
Mayor Micki Harnois called the meeting to order after the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Council members present were: Larry Van Every, Dave Thompson, Clint Stevenson and Thomas Smith. Brenda Gambrel Deputy Clerk and John Goyke Clerk/Treasurer/Public Works Operator were also present.

Mayor comments:
Tree City USA Committee will be meeting to decide where to plant new tree’s in the Park.

Volunteers will be mowing the parks and ball fields they will not be paid, volunteers need to come to Town Hall to pick up a volunteer form.

There will be a Freeman School Board Meeting at Town Hall April 25, 2013 at 6:00 PM.

On May 2nd there will be a newcomer’s dessert at the Fairfield Community Center.

The Rockford Youth Club is volunteering around town and will purchase fluorescent green T-Shirts.

Vivian Plank is in charge of the Community Calendar and would like everyone to contribute information on things that are going on in town to put on the calendar. Vivian Plank handed out folders to all of the council members and staff inviting them to various organizational meetings. Larry Van Every mentioned that recently he attended a Historical Society meeting and joined that organization. The Town of Rockford is a member of the Chamber. Vivian Plank said that Councilman Thomas Smith would be a good addition to the Community Center because he has kids. Vivian Plank said that Rockford is a good place to live.

Committee Reports:
Water and Sewer Committee
The committee had nothing to report.

Larry Van Every discussed the town running its own web hosting program using the Apache Software. He stated that the current software program is difficult to work with and if we did our own web hosting we could allow the non-profit organizations to use the Towns account as well. Currently the Historical Society is paying $140.00 dollars for web hosting and if the town ran their own web hosting portal and allowed the non-profits to use it that would help the town organizations.Dave Thompson thought that anything we can do to get our name out there is good.

It was the consensus of the Council that if the Town can do its own web hosting that it be offered free of charge to the Non-profit Organizations of the Town.

Tree City USA Committee
Dave Thompson and Clint Stevenson reported that the trees that get planted in the park need to be able to absorb a great deal of water. It was further reported that Garth Davis from the Spokane County Soil Conservation District would be helping the committee get the trees. Larry Van Every asked about the maintenance of the trees that would be planted. Dave Thompson said the trees that would be selected will be low maintenance. Clint Stevenson said that over thirty trees have been removed thus far from the park.
It was the consensus of the Council to get a few Pine Trees, a few Cedar Trees and a few Larch Trees from Garth Davis. The trees will be planted in community member’s honor; Brad Marlow and Don Davis were discussed as possible candidates for tree’s being planted in their honor.

Finance Committee
Clint Stevenson discussed the checking account balance and it’s current situation being low on funds. Currently the Town has a CD in the amount of $41,102.58 that will mature on April 22, 2013. It was discussed that the Town could cash in the CD and place the funds in the checking account.
Thomas Smith moved to not renew the Banner Bank CD in the amount of $41,102.58 and cash that CD and then move those funds into the Town Checking Account. Motion was seconded by Larry Van Every. Motioned passed with a voice vote.
It was then the consensus of the council that during the next billing cycle of the Town insurance to pay the full amount due instead of paying on the payment plan to save interest fees.
Public Comments:
Kathleen Creed- the audience cannot hear the council when they are speaking; the Town needs to invest in a microphone system for the meetings.
Vivian Plank- discussed Inland 360, how to advertise your town in an online calendar and planning events so other groups do not schedule there events on the same day.
Carrie Roecks- reminded everyone that the Frog Regatta is this upcoming weekend.
Phil Evans- discussed how dogs will get ticks if they go in the tall brush in this area.
April 03 Minutes
Larry Van Every made a motion to approve the minutes. Thomas Smith seconded the motion, passed voice vote
Treasurers Report
Treasurer’s Report $258,125.68 for March 2013 CE-$71438.47; Street-$24,510.10; Criminal Justice $2,736.80; Equipment/Property Reserve $51,535.70; Sewer $20,534.84; Lagoon Repair $13,697.41; Water Fund $1,809.10; Sewer Reserve $43,543.42; Water Reserve $8,319.84; Waste Water Facility Reserve $20,000.00
Old Business
The Goals of the council:
1. Fix South East Reservoir Roof
2. Get Influent/Effluent Meters at the Waste Water Plant
3. Update the standard water materials list
4. Fix Dye Seeds Water leak under the State Highway 27 Bridge
5. Install Utility Drop Box
6. Fix Sewage Treatment Plant
7. Get a dump box for the snow plow
8. Fix well number four
9. Fix NAPA water leak
 Agreement for volunteers:
The agreement was reviewed and discussed
Dave Thompson made a motion to accept the Agreement for Individual Volunteer Services as written. Motion was seconded by Larry Van Every. Motion passed by a voice vote.
Thomas Smith made a motion to have all volunteers sign a cover sheet to the Rockford Personnel Policy Manual stating that they have read and agree to the policy manual. Clint Stevenson seconded the motion. Motion passed is a voice vote.
Use of arena by outside groups.
The women’s group will still donate panels if needed. Clint Stevenson felt that outside groups can organize their own events and just pay the town a deposit to use the arena. The town will have to contact the insurance company to confirm that there would be no assumed liability if a deposit was charged. Clint Stevenson further informed the council that any shows would be after the fair.
Larry Van Every asked about insect control, specifically controlling the tick population. He asked if vendors would be selling tick spray.
Clint Stevenson felt that there would be no need to spray for ticks. The Town specifically voted several years ago to not spray for mosquitos.
Thomas Smith said that any agreement for a deposit would have to have a hold harmless clause and the Town will have to wait and see what insect control will be needed.
The Mayor said that everyone will just have to check for ticks.
Avista Presentation by Paul Kimmel
Presented Spangle’s Ordinance adopting a utility tax. Federal and State buildings are exempt from the utility tax. The Post Office may or may not be exempt from the utility tax, further research is needed. The Town will have to decide how it wants the payments from Avista; quarterly or annually. After the Town approves to have a utility tax it will have to then be presented to the Utility Commission for approval. The Mayor figures that $40,000.00 could be raised at 6%.
Larry Van Every felt that it was a nice presentation but this tax is robbing people, this is a hidden tax, he doesn’t like the idea that the tax is implemented without a citizen vote. He further felt that this is not moral or palatable to rob the citizens with this type of tax.
Paul Kimmel said that the tax can be imposed with a time limit, if so desired, so the tax can only run for a certain length of time with out being voted on again by the council.
Larry Van Every felt that a sun set clause would be good.
Clint Stevenson mentioned the various expenses that the town is facing, including a very large loan from DOE to fix the sewer lagoons.
Larry Van Every felt that the 6% utility tax should be put to a citizen vote.
Carrie Roecks felt the town should have an informational meeting for the public concerning the various costs the town has incurred. Carrie Roecks further explained that many of the citizens have been talking about the town not being financially solvent. The citizens want a meeting to look at the Town’s financial situation and to ask questions about the 6% utility tax.
It was the consensus of the Council to have a Town Hall Meeting June 11th at the Grange for the purpose of having an informational meeting on the 6% Avista Utility Tax and to discuss the financial situation of the town. The financial committee will help the clerk/treasurer organize the meeting. The Deputy Clerk will call the grange tomorrow to reserve the grange hall for the meeting. Paul Kimmel said that he can help organize the meeting.
Sheriff Contract
The Mayor asked the Sherriff to attend the council meeting because she felt that it might get unruly, but then canceled the request. The Sherriff’s Office caught the most recent bank robbery suspect in the Bank of Fairfield robbery.
The Mayor asked the Sherriff about just paying the County $1000.00 a month and the Sherriff said the County Commissioners would take the $1000.00 a month. The Mayor further explained that the Contract Negotiation offer of $25, 0000.00 for the 2013 contract has been sent to the County Commissioners for review. The last bank robbery had a 45 minute response time.
Sewer Ordinance
The Mayor asked we why only collect 1 year worth of back utilities.
The Clerk/Treasurer explained that is the statute at this time.
Andrew Fricke Alley Vacation
The Mayor explained that to buy the alley at fair market value the cost would be $1136.16
It was the consensus of the council to call Mr. Fricke and see if we could arrange a meeting with him to discuss the issue and get some feedback from him as how to proceed.
New Business
Election of a mayor pro-tem
Thomas Smith made a motion nominate Clint Stevenson as Mayor Pro-tem. It was seconded by Larry Van Every. Motion passed with a voice vote.
Vacant Council Position
The mayor outlined three options
1. Look for a new person now.
2. Wait to see who runs for the position.
3. Keep the position vacant until the end of the year.

Clint Stevenson felt that we have the list of person’s who applied for the last position; the town should just contact those people and see if they want to run again.
It was the consensus of the Council that the position will be formally opened again and posted as open to the public, with a closing date of May 10th and on the second meeting of May the council will review the applications.
Reduction in Council Pay
There was discussion about the special pay that is paid to council for meetings outside of the regular session and reducing the pay to it previous levels before the pay raise.
Larry Van Every said that he felt the council positions should be unpaid.   
Deputy Clerk said that the previous pay was $20.00 dollars a meeting for the council positions.
Clint Stevenson made a motion to set the council pay at zero dollars for regular meetings. Larry Van Every seconded the motion.
Further discussion on the motion commenced and the Mayor asked that her pay be reduced as well. A friendly amendment was added to the motion reducing the Mayors pay to zero, the maker of the motion approved.
The motion to set the council pay at zero dollars for regular meetings and to reduce the mayors pay to zero was then voted on and passed with a voice vote.
Thomas Smith then made a motion to reduce the special pay for council meetings out side of regular session to zero dollars. Dave Thomas seconded the motion. The motion passed with a voice vote.
USDA Grant/Loan
The USDA loan/grant was discussed; the council discussed the interest on the loan.
Thomas Smith made a motion to not accept the USDA/Grant. The motion was seconded by Larry Van Every. Motion passed with a voice vote.
There was no new discussion on raising the water/sewer rates by 3%.
Street Sweeping
Larry Van Every suggested that we hire the volunteer youth club to clean the streets.
Thomas Smith made a motion to hire the Geiger Work Crew to sweep the streets up to $500.00. Clint Stevenson seconded the motion. Motion passed with a voice vote.
RMSA Insurance Inspection
Clint Stevenson brought up that the bleachers did not pass inspection. It was suggested that the lions club may want to take ownership of them as the town can no longer have them on their insurance in their current state of disrepair.
The RMSA Grant was discussed
Thomas Smith made a motion to apply for more fall material for the park. The motion was seconded by Clint Stevenson. Motion passed with a voice vote.
Liquor applications
The Mayor says that there are no issues with the current applicants for liquor licenses.
Larry Van Every asked if there are any known issues with the applicants and the mayor said no.
Certificates of attendance to the last elected officials training were handed out.
The Mayor said that the staff is doing a fine job.
The latest information and ruling on Sheri Coumont’s most recent lawsuit was looked at.
Public Works
Pond One is complete/
Cannot get to the water leak under State Highway Bridge 27 yet too wet.
Larry Van Every discussed the county commissioners and the public hearing for the CDBG grants.
The Mayor then adjourned the meeting at 10:00 PM.
__________________________ _________________________

John M. Goyke                             Micki Harnois
Clerk/Treasurer                            Rockford Mayor


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