Thursday, July 18, 2013

Public Hearing and Rockford Town Council Minutes, June 5, 2013

Rockford Town Council
June 5, 2013
7:00 PM

Public Hearing on the Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan
Mayor Harnois wanted to add a sidewalk from the Rockford Mini Mart to the South Ball Field on the West side of Highway 278/First Street. The Mayor also wanted to add needed sidewalks through out Town.

Bill Creed asked if sidewalks are added in front of the old brick building on Highway 278/First Street, care will have to be taken not to disturb the foundation of the building as it is on the Town Historical Register. Also the street floods along the area near Jan Davis’s on Lake Street.

Robert Tollefson was concerned that adding a sidewalk along the west side of 278/First Street may affect parking at the Rockford Mini Mart.

Thomas Smith mentioned that the road going to Tim Fricke’s and Audrey Ericksons needs to be added.

Cathy Creed stated that there is a drainage problem on Sprague Street and Spring Street especially near the culvert.

Clint Stevenson requested that C Street and First Street be added to the plan.

Ivan Willmschen mentioned that the sidewalk along River Street needs to be added.

Bill Benson stated that Stringham Court needs to be added or graded as it is getting wash boards in it.
Mayor Harnois then asked if there were any further additions, seeing none she closed the public hearing.

Mayor Micki Harnois called the meeting to order after the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Council members present were: Larry Van Every, Dave Thompson, Clint Stevenson and Thomas Smith and Carrie Roecks. John Goyke Clerk/Treasurer/Public Works Operator was also present.

Mayor comments:
John passed his exam (91-100) and now is a cross connection control specialist. The Fair royalty are Jami Pratt, Kristen Fuchs from Freeman and Alysha Thomas from Liberty. Freeman High School graduation is this Saturday June 08th at 1:00 Pm. Freeman Middle School Eight Grade graduation will be next Monday June 10th at 7 PM in the Freeman High School gym. Flag Day will be Saturday June 8th. The parade starts at 11 Am and the honorary marshals are seven WWII veterans who went on the honor flight. It was a stirring and emotional experience to welcome them home. A truly deserved hero’s welcome. A letter was sent from the Town thanking the fellow who helped apprehend the Bank of Fairfield serial bank robber. A reminder to the Town Council that there will be an AWC conference in Tri Cities on Wednesday June 26th through Friday June 28th. There are two scholarships that are available at no cost which only covers registration and meals. This offer ends on June 7th -- $425.00 It takes about three hours of travel time to get to the Tri-Cities. The Fire Levy will be on the November 6th ballot --- M and O levy. A shoreline presentation was completed in Latah. Every Saturday is booked for an event in the park for June. Remember the first responder/veteran/active military appreciation ice cream social on Sunday June 30th 3:00 Pm to 5:00 Pm. It will be put on by the Rockford’s Woman’s Club. The Mayor explained the sign regulations for the down town businesses. John Fisher with Community Frameworks will be giving a presentation on possible senior housing project in Rockford. Avista has offered to be a stake holder which means they will be one of the possible funders for a needs assessment. Pat Stretch from the Community Development Block Grant folks commended us to pursuing this project as most other small towns just look at HUD funds for infrastructure only. The senior housing option will help us with our low to moderate income level which is constantly challenged by funding agencies and HUD itself.

JUB Engineering
Layne Meritt of JUB asked that the Town accept completion of the lagoon pond one project.

It was the consensus of the council to table the issue until the next meeting.

The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System comment period has been extended.

Parking at the Rockford Mini mart will be looked at when the western sidewalk is engineered for the 278/First Street project.

There will be an impact study on the Brick Building that is next to the western sidewalk 278/First Street project.

Bill Creed explained that the Planning Commission is the only committee that can allow changes to a historical building in Rockford.

Larry Van Every, asked JUB to explain the real estate purchases that may be associated with the sidewalk project.

Layne Meritt of JUB said that any land purchase associated with a sidewalk project would have to follow federal acquisition requirements. He further explained that land owners affected by a purchase would have a process to voice concerns.
Steve Meyer asked if any of the Town’s representatives have conducted a survey of the area near the project to define where the WA-DOT easements and ride of ways are.

Layne Meritt of JUB said that a full survey of the proposed project area would be conducted.

Layne Meritt of JUB said that CDBG grant funding has been increased approximately $14,000.00.

The flow meters have been put out for bids.

Kevin Wallace with Spokane Regional Transportation Council was present to discuss the Regional Planning Agency. Kevin reported that Mayor Micki is on the board. Kevin Wallace went trough a power point presentation for the Town.

Elliot Management Group
Elliot Management Group was present to discuss how the Town can accept credit card payments in person and over the computer. The council will look over the information and make a decision at a later date.

Kathy Creed
Kathy Creed reminded everyone that Sheriff Ozzie will be at the McIntosh Grange June 12th, at 7:00 pm.

WA-DOE [Department of Energy]
Cynthia Wall of Washington State Department of Ecology explained the history and problems of the Rockford Lagoon liner issue. She further explained that the Town has been served with intent to sue by the Spokane River Keepers for NPDES violations.

Cynthia Wall of WA-DOE explained that the Town has applied for $1.33 million in grant, 1.56 million in loan at 1.6% interest at 20 years for the repairs of the Lagoons. There will be a substantial increase in bills that the Towns people will have to pay.

The cost associated to fix the liners is $2.9 million with 1.33 being grant and 1.56 being a loan at 1.6% interest for 20 years. This also comes with a substantial increase in the wastewater bill.

Cynthia also explained that the Town as well as many other small towns is being sued by the River Keepers to fix the lagoons.

Larry Van Every inquired about alternative waste water; gray water usage at houses and business like composting toilets.

Alene Willmschen stated that the sewer bill will be too high for people in Town to be able to afford.

Cynthia Wall stated that unfortunately small Communities just aren’t cheaper to live in.

Carrie Roecks asked why all three ponds need to be repaired. Cynthia Wall explained that it was all part of the treatment process.

Committee Reports:
Finance Committee members currently consist of Thomas Smith and Clint Stevenson. Thomas resigned due to his time schedule. Carrie Roecks will replace Thomas on the finance committee.

Kathy Creed received a planning training brochure from the Mayor for the Planning Commission.

May 01st Minutes

Thomas Smith made a motion to approve the minutes with the corrections made by Carrie Roecks. Clint Stevenson seconded the motion, motion carried.

The corrections were: Line 31 insert and in between supervision the, line 126 Kathy, spelled with K instead of C.


Clint made a motion to pay check #’s 12016 – 12043 in the amount of $19,769.35. Larry Van Every seconded the motion, motion carried with a voice vote.

Payroll     12016-12024      $ 5,599.24
Claims     12025-12043      $14,170.11
Treasurers Report
There will be a public meeting on June 18th in the Rockford Town Park to discuss the budget.

The Mayor said that she would like to have a pre-budget workshop before June 18th to get everyone on the same page.

Larry Van Every questioned what the purpose of the meeting was.

There was discussion about the open public meeting act and would it be an open meeting if a quorum was present. It was at this time that Thomas Smith resigned from the finance committee and Carrie Roecks was appointing to his position.

Old Business
Andrew Fricke Alley Vacation
No action taken it will be discussed at the next meeting

Contract for a Web Master
Larry Van Every is still working on the issue he will report back at the next meeting.

Ordinance 13-03 Setting Town Hall’s Hours of Operation
Thomas Smith made a motion to approve Ordinance 13-03, Dave Thompson seconded the motion and the motion carried with a voice vote.

Carrie Roecks Sidewalk
Clint Stevenson asked if the waiver for the Carrie Roecks sidewalk project had been completed and signed by Carrie Roecks.

Larry Van Every asked if the waiver was a problem.

Carrie Roecks said that she would have the waiver completed before work started on the sidewalk.

Phil Evans
Phil Evans asked about the Towns last financial audit and if the finance committee had reviewed it. Phil Evans explained that the Town could look up the New York Recommendations of Finances online or he could send it to the town if they wanted to review it.

Carrie Roecks questioned if that information would be helpful for a WA Town.

Phil Evans said it would be.

The Finance Committee agreed that they would look into the past audit and make any recommendations.

Alene Willmschen wanted to know why the Town needed another sidewalk along Highway 278/First Street.

Dave Thompson wanted to know why the Town could not just install a push button cross walk light instead of building a new sidewalk.
Art Grewe wanted to know how much the new sidewalk would cost the Town

The Mayor explained that there was a $50,000.00 match to the grant that would pay for the new sidewalk, but that amount may be covered by the State from another grant fund. If no extra state funding is available then there will be no project.

Art Grewe
Larry Van Every asked Art Grewe to tell the Council about his trip back east to Washington D.C. on the honor flight.

Art Grewe explained that he met WA State Representative Cathy Mc Morris Rogers and that they took a picture together. He further explained that he saw many of the memorials and he and his group were given a police escort through the area.

The Council and Citizens present thanked Mr. Grewe for his service to the Country.

Local Business Licenses
The Mayor explained that the Town does have an ordinance concerning business licenses and the Town is required by Ordinance to post certain signs coming into Town telling the public of the rules concerning this issue. The Mayor said that there is a Green River Ordinance that the Town passed however the signage concerning this ordinance is missing.

The mayor also reminded people that the Gypsies are in Town Paving driveways and they do not do a good job, she explained legitimate pavers have the appropriate markings on their trucks.

Carrie Roecks
Carrie Roecks said that she is working on the Avista Power Bills and she and Clint Stevenson are discussing the issue in the finance meeting.

Carrie Roecks said that the Primmers had contacted her and said they were going to attend this meeting to discuss the current land contract concerning the South West Reservoir. Carrie Roecks wanted the mayor to clarify where the Town was at in the contract agreement process.

The Mayor explained that the agreement was given to the Primmer’s Attorney for review. The Mayor then said that she would give everyone a bit of history on this issue as everyone may not understand what is going on.

The Mayor said that Paul Sifford, Gary Wagner and Steve Meyers all talked to the Primmers many years ago, and that an agreement was met and that the former Mayor Gary Wagner was to complete the process but he did not finish the agreement.

Mayor Harnois then met with the Primmers and Steve Meyer. The Mayor then drafted an agreement after that meeting.

The Mayor then sent the draft agreement to the Primmers Attorney for review.

The Primmer’s attorney then made revisions and sent the agreement to the Town Attorney.

Both attorneys have made revisions to the terms and it was realized that the Town was not going to meet the deadlines for the water system improvements that the Primmers had requested. Currently the contract is with the Primmers Attorney and the Town is waiting to hear back from the Primmer’s attorney.

Carrie Roecks said that the Primmers did not know that their Attorney has the contract. Carrie Roecks further explained that the fire hydrants, new service lines and new water mains don’t have to be installed by the Town until the Primmers build new homes. The Primmers would not require the Town to do anything until the Homes are built. The Primmers want a 40 year agreement. Carrie Roecks further explained that if the Town does not agree with the Primmers requests they will charge the Town for the use of the property.

Carrie then requested a copy of the Agreement from the Mayor.

New Business
For past due water/sewer bills, could the debtors work off their bills, Larry Van Every inquired?

Larry Van Every wanted to know why the debtors of the Town could not work off their debts to the Town. He suggested that if the person owed $4,000.00 to the Town that the person could work $4,000.00 worth of hours/wages.

Clint Stevenson asked what if the Town puts the person on payroll and he doesn’t want to pay the Town and instead wants to keep the money.

Stan Seehorn asked what happens if the person gets hurt.

It was the consensus of the Council to not pursue this idea.

The question was asked if there is no further comment from the Sheriff on the contract should it be considered null and void and should there be no payment for 2013.

Stan Seehorn said that two years ago the Council asked the Sheriff to clarify if the Town was paying the Sheriff through their property taxes.

Dave Thompson said that issue was discussed at the last meeting.

Larry Van Every said that the Sheriff explained at the last meeting that the Sheriff is funded through sales tax.

The question was asked should the Town form a Park District to levy taxes for up keep at the park.

It was the consensus of the Council to not pursue this issue.

Kathy Creed explained that they mowed the South Ball Field and the Park. The Yellow House was mowed by Charlie Hoshauer.

Public Works
No Comment

Public Comment
Kathy Creed invited Stan Seehorn to come to the next political forum.

Bill Creed said the Town will have to look for the sidewalk easements in the records. The owner, Steve Winegar, who bought the ground along highway 278/First Street, has had all the surveys done and the records should be at Town Hall.

Bill Benson Read the following into the record:
Statement to the City Council:

My name is Bill Benson, I own Footloose In The Palouse.

Tonight I want to express my concerns about the recent business that has been established between my office space and Farmhouse Pizza. It is called Happy Daze & Sugar Blossom Lingerie. This business sells lingerie and drug-related paraphernalia.
My concern about the impact of this business is on many levels:

I am a resident of Rockford. Footloose In The Palouse is my only income. Of the different demographics we cater to, our major source of clients are mature citizens who have reached that time in their lives where they are downsizing their households, or they are facing the process of downsizing or liquidating the estate of their elders. These folks are conservative by nature, and they refuse to set foot anywhere near businesses promoting any kind of drug culture, and this includes the front door of Footloose In The Palouse. My business is condemned by proximity. When the business went in next door, I had to and still deal with public opinion that Footloose In The Palouse is associated with such a business. I am losing business because of this.
I am concerned about the impact that this business has on the image of my town.

Granted, there is little that can be done to enhance the prestige of a metal building, however, both Farmhouse Pizza and Footloose In The Palouse have invested a great deal of time and effort to present our businesses professionally, and in keeping with the conservative nature of downtown Rockford. We have followed the examples of the other well-established businesses in adhering to the pertinent Town ordinances regarding signage and storefront appearance to maintain as dignified a frontage as possible.

Now, instead of a dignified storefront, we have a business that openly displays clothing items and drug-related paraphernalia that should be age restricted. This business displays these items within five feet of a school bus stop, where young children have no choice but to be exposed to such items, as well as to certain aspects of the culture to which this business caters. Forgive me if I wish to provide parental counter drug guidance on my own timetable, instead of having to field questions along the lines of “What is that?” in reference some skimpy piece of lace, and “Why is there a picture of a leaf on that shirt?” because these things are being shoved in my children’s faces.

The Mayor explained that the new business brought in a reader board Friday. She further explained that if the Town enforces the rules against that reader board the Town would have to enforce it against Foot Loose in the Palouse as well. The Mayor further explained that the new business will have to post a sign that says 18 and older because they sell tobacco products.

Carrie Roecks said the new business offends the sensibilities of us all.

Kathy Creed said that the School Bus stop will have to be moved because of the new business.

The Mayor said that she called the WA State Tobacco Enforcement Agency and asked them to investigate the new business.

Larry Van Every said that he was not going to be politically correct when referring to Happy Daze and would continue to call the business a head shop.

(Please refer to the recording for further discussion about the new business.)

The Mayor then adjourned the meeting at 9:43 Pm.
_________________       _________________
John M. Goyke                 Micki Harnois
Clerk/Treasurer                Rockford Mayor


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