Thursday, July 12, 2012

Palouse City Council Minutes July 10, 2012

DRAFT ONLY.  Without council review or approval.
Public Hearing – 6-Year Street Plan
Public Hearing – 2013 Revenue Sources
July 10, 2012

CALL TO ORDER:  Mayor Echanove called the Council Meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

ROLL CALL:  Council members present:  Tim Jones; Connie Newman; Bo Ossinger; Norm Schorzman; Alison Webb.  Absent:  Cecil Floyd & Rick Wekenman.  Also present:  Police Chief Jerry Neumann; Clerk-Treasurer Joyce Beeson; & Deputy Clerk Ann Thompson.  Public present:  David Nails, Mark Storey, Nicole Wood, Greg Partch, Pete Hertz, Cate McGehee, Garth Meyer.     

PUBLIC HEARING:  6-Year Transportation Improvement Plan.  Opened public hearing at 7:03.  No public comments.  Public Hearing closed at 7:03.   

PUBLIC HEARING:  2013 Revenue Sources.  Opened public hearing at 7:04.  No public comments.  Council has the option of adopting 1% increase, and the option of taking the bank capacity.  Our banked capacity is $782.  Councilmember Jones MOVED, seconded by Councilmember Schorzman to increase our councilmatic levy 1% as allowed by law.  Motion carried unanimously.  65% goes to current expense and 35% goes to streets.  The split percentage is councilmatic; can be changed by resolution.  Street and pool levy amounts are to stay the same as last year.  Councilmember Newman MOVED to direct Joyce to prepare necessary ordinances and resolutions setting the levy amounts at $40,000 for Arterial Street improvements and $28,000 for pool operations and maintenance.  Councilmember Schorzman seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.  Public Hearing was closed at 7:13. 

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  Under Mayor’s Report, add that Mayor appointed Councilmember Schorzman to chair of the Finance, Property & Equipment Committee.  Councilmember Jones MOVED to adopt the amended minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of June 26, 2012.  Councilmember Newman seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.

PUBLIC WORKS REPORT:  Superintendent Griffin submitted a written report. 

POLICE REPORT:  Chief Neumann submitted the June Activity Log.  

Whitman County yard waste discussion:  Commissioner Greg Partch following up on alternatives for the Whitman County chipper program.  Whitman County Public Works Director Mark Storey, and Whitman County Solid Waste manager David Nails, both spoke about possible ideas for cities to consider.  The county is considering a pilot program for the delivery and pick up of a large roll-out container for chippable yard debris.  The city would still have to load and compact it but the cost should be less than the chipper costs.  The city would need to purchase a thumb for the backhoe and would need a place to put the container for loading and unloading.  The container is 25’ x 8’ x 8’.  Supt. Griffin and David Nails will discuss further. 

Currently anyone in the county can still haul all yard waste and dump for free at the county.  However, the DOE has some rules coming down the shoot that will dictate that yard clippings won’t be accepted in the free, clean-green disposal, only limbs and wood. 

Solid Waste Advisory Committee now has an opening. has more information. 

Resolution 2012-03:  Interfund loan terms for repayment:  Mayor read aloud the resolution in its entirety.  This resolution is the same resolution that was adopted in 2010-17, except the minimum terms for repayment of said interfund loan principal and interest shall be set and included as follows:  July 30, 2012, no less than $10,000 principal and accrued interest; July 30, 2013, no less than $13,000 principal and accrued interest; May 30, 2014, no less than $17,000 or remaining balance of principal and accrued interest.  Councilmember Newman MOVED to adopt Resolution 2012-03.  Councilmember Jones seconded.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Water & Sewer-Connie Newman, Chair:  DOH reported they will need their full 90 days to review our Water System Plan so the city should get it back late July.  The Sewer Extension Plan is still with Attorney Bishop; it too should be back in late July.  August will be busy for council for the adoption of the WSP and the SEP. 

Councilmember Newman wants to look into allowing a high school student representative on city council.  She learned of this program at the AWC conference.  She will investigate further.

Policy & Administration-Bo Ossinger, Chair:  Cost allocation resolution draft is on Attorney Bishop’s desk. 

Parks, Cemetery, & Buildings-Alison Webb. Chair:  no report.     

Streets & Sidewalks-Cecil Floyd, Chair:  no report

Personnel & Pool-Tim Jones, Chair:  no report

Police, Fire, & Safety-Rick Wekenman, Chair:  no report

Finance, Property, & Equipment:  no report

Nicole Wood:  Has asked for a hydrant on 8th & C through a water extension application submitted on July 9th.   Nicole asked what will happen to her application and if the application fee of $150 (which was not included with the application) would be refunded if her application is denied.  Councilmember Newman explained that one of the purposes of the $150 application fee is to partially recover the costs of Superintendent Griffin’s and/or staff time of reviewing the plan, writing specs, etc.  There is no clause for a refund if a request is denied.  However, the public works superintendent will recommend an alternate extension plan if the one requested is not feasible.  Councilmember Newman MOVED, seconded by Councilmember Webb to continue this discussion.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Nicole Wood:  Sewer connection at manhole G.  They’ve requested a 6” pipe.  Nicole’s sewer extension request has been approved for a single-family residence and Nicole may proceed with a 4” line.  A materials list and construction specifications were provided by the city, along with council approval for their contractor to work in the city right of way.   Nicole is now requesting a 6” sewer service to replace the 4” line that the Kessler’s had installed.  Her contractor may contact Supt. Griffin directly.  Nicole stated that if they can’t get approval for 6” pipe, they will explore other options.  Supt. Griffin has stated a 6” pipe does not work for a single-family home; there are engineering reasons you do not put a single-family home on a 6” line.  Nicole stated that they assumed that the Kessler line was 6” since that is what was written up on the work order.  C-T Beeson explained that the Kessler’s paid for a 4” service and that is what was installed.  The mistake was only that Dwayne accidently wrote 6” on the work order instead of 4”. 

Council thanked Nicole for the in-person dialogue.  Nicole asked if she could attend a committee meeting to discuss her w/s development concerns and was told yes.         

Mayor requested a Special Council Meeting August 7, 2012, at 7:00 pm, for one item only:  to perhaps award contractor bid for Phase II of the Brownfields clean-up project.  This will allow for as much time as possible for contractor to perform the work. 

ALLOW PAYMENT OF BILLS:  Councilmember Jones MOVED that the bills against the city be allowed.  Councilmember Schorzman seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.

ADJOURN:  Councilmember Schorzman MOVED to adjourn.  Councilmember Newman seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.  The council meeting adjourned at 8:08 PM.

The following checks are approved for payment:
Payroll Paid, June 29, 2012.            Ck. #4110-4135 & EFT            $43,916.47
Claims Paid, July 11, 2012.            Ck. #4136-4166 & EFT            $71,141.00

APPROVED: ________________________________   ATTEST: ________________________________

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