Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Fairfield Town Council Meeting July 2, 2012

JULY 2, 2012
7:00 P.M.
Note to persons reviewing this document: This is not a verbatim transcript. While an attempt has been made to document pertinent points, these minutes contain only a summary of the discussion and voting.

Mayor Ed Huber called the regular council meeting to order on July 2, 2012 at 7:00 pm. Council members present: Harry Gibbons, George Davidson, Mary Branon, Valerie Spurrell and Brian Kauffman.

Others present: Randy Noble of TD&H, Derek Knecht and Cheryl Loeffler.

Approval of Minutes


Brian Kauffman motioned to approve the June 19, 2012 regular council minutes as presented, seconded by Harry Gibbons. The motion carried.


Approval of the Claims
Brian Kauffman motioned and Harry Gibbons seconded to approve claim vouchers #16684 through #16704 for $96,063.02 and EFTs for $1,246.79 as presented. The motion carried.
Claims: $93,918.73
Payroll: 3,391.08
Total Claims: $97,309.81
Check Register signed by: Mary Branon, George Davidson and Brian Kauffman
Checks #16705 and 16706 were voided due to a printing error.

Engineer’s Report
Randy Noble from TD&H reported on the East Main Street Rehabilitation project. The on-site construction is continuing. Demolition work is essentially complete. There was some vandalism on the construction equipment, which caused approximately $5000 worth of damage. The railroad is scheduled for their work the week of July 16. August 2nd is the scheduled completion date.

Old Business
Recycling update
Empire Disposal placed the container behind Town Hall on Wednesday, June 27 but it was not placed exactly in the correct location. There is a pile of service club stuff that needs to be moved before it can be placed in the chosen spot. It seems to be working without any problems so far.

Mosquito fogging contract
Comments from the town’s attorney, Stanley Schwartz will be forwarded to Tekoa’s attorney.

Equipment for game room
The kids that come to the Community Center on Thursdays were asked to come up with some equipment that they would like to have. Since the weather is getting warm, most of the items were outdoor sport equipment such as baseballs and footballs. The thought of the committee is to take the kids to either the Pit or to Hart Park weather permitting. The ouncil agreed to allow the purchase of as much as they can get for the $259 that was raised on Flag Day.

A screen is something that the entire community Center could use. Currently, one has to be borrowed when needed.

Free Lunch Program
So far so good. Attendance has been pretty consistent. Randy Noble stopped in and had lunch one day when he was in town. The program does generate quite a bit of garbage. Cheryl checked into getting a dumpster to put on-site but the council suggested getting a larger size at the shop, which is more economical. The Food Bank also uses the dumpster that is at the shop. Cheryl and Derek both agree that this is a better way to go-at least until this program is over which is August 24.

Loss Control Grant -Sidewalk Contract
T&R Concrete submitted a revised bid that included the removal of the concrete. The bid came in at $8395, which is still the low bid. The council agreed to continue with this contractor. The work began 6-29.

Interlocal Bridge Inspection Services Agreement
The Town of Fairfield has an interlocal agreement with Spokane County to provide the necessary personnel and equipment to perform routine bridge inspection and reporting to the State database, bridge load rating, bridge overload permit review, scour action plans, maintain bridge and load rating files, and other associated work as required by the above-referenced standards within the limits of the City.

Mary motioned to approve the Interlocal Bridge Inspection Services Agreement between the Town of Fairfield and Spokane County; seconded by Harry. The motion carried.

SpoKanimal-Potentially Dangerous Dog Declaration
While Derek A Knecht was reading meters on June 28, the Blue Heeler that belongs to 201 N 2nd was off of its leash and charged at him while he was walking. Derek L Knecht was called to help him get back to the truck and to provide a point of refuge from the animal. The dog aggressively bit at the tires. Derek L then advised Town Hall to call SpoKanimal for some assistance with the animal. Before SpoKanimal could get to Fairfield, someone that lives at this address came home and put the dog into the house. This animal has had at least two written complaints against it and some unofficial complaints. The officers from SpoKanimal then came to the office and discussed the ordinance with Cheryl. There is some confusion on their ability to write citations. Officer Dave Walker then called the office to try to get the confusion cleared up. Cheryl asked Councilman Brian Kauffman to follow up with Officer Walker on this. Mary and Ed both agree that the citation issue had been cleared up and the process of dangerous dog declaration had been dealt with in the past following this ordinance, which came from the City of Spokane. Mary suggested that Brian get in contact with Gail Mackie of SpoKanimal, as she was the one that helped in the beginning. The council then advised Derek A to file a complaint against the dog and proceed with a potentially dangerous dog declaration.

BIAS class for new BARS and budget
BIAS is offering a training session for the new BARS chart of accounts and a budget training class to implement these changes. The fee is $349 for Cheryl to attend the class and one elected official can attend free. The State Auditors have changed the BARS, which will be implemented in 2013. The council approved Cheryl’s attendance and Mary expressed interest in attending also. The date is August 8.

Mayor Pro-Tem
Every six months, by law, the mayor has to appoint a mayor pro-tem for six months.


Brian motioned to appoint Mary Branon as Mayor Pro-Tem for six months; seconded by Harry. The motion carried.

Signature cards


Mary motioned to update the signature cards to remove Mary Kinsey and Alene Felgenhauer from all Bank of Fairfield accounts; add Jeannie Jesseph to all Bank of Fairfield accounts; seconded by Brian. The motion carried.

Ed, Mary, Cheryl and Jeannie will be on the signature cards.

Public Hearing Ordinance #370

Mayor Huber gave the second reading of Ordinance #370 and opened the Public Hearing at 8:09. With no public at tonight’s meeting to provide comments, the Public Hearing closed at 8:09.

The ordinance with changes was reviewed by the council and both Ordinance #369 and #370 will be sent to the attorney for review. If he gets them back to the town in a timely fashion, both of the ordinances will be approved at the next council meeting.

Public Works Update
  • Scheduling new service install on Seward for mid-July. Getting meter outside to town easement, replacing corroded line. It is leaking again, just a few feet away from previous leak. Dave Tysz will help with this.
  • Testing is on schedule and within limits.
  • New chlorinator tank table is being built for well #1.
  • Consumer Confidence Report was sent in this utility bill.
  • Facility has been mowed.
  • Flows are being juggled to achieve maximum retention and evaporation of ponds.
  • Testing is on schedule and within limits (Influent testing only because of not discharging).
  • Watering trees. Weed eating around buildings and generator.
  • Meeting with McGuire from DOE went well. The I&I work that has been done proves the Town’s intentions of reducing the I&I. Mr. McGuire thought that the map showing these improvements would help with the Spokane
  • River Keepers.
  • Garbage and debris picked up daily. The lower park has been extremely busy.
  • Sprinklers have been off during wet spring into summer as well.
  • Repairs have been made to damaged sprinkler system in Thiel Park (minor damage during construction).
  • Cameras are all back and running.
  • Roads have all been put back into shape after sewer construction.
  • Minor potholes and washboard will be smoothed after next round of moisture.
  • Main Street project is still under construction. Will be wrapping up in August.
  • Chip sealing will be coming thru Fairfield during the week of July 23rd. Patchwork has been included on Bradshaw and will be sealed as well.
Other: Two sections of sewer have been flushed and had a camera run through with a locating beacon. Manhole has been located down alleyway off 2nd St. in St. John Implement yard and 3rd and Seward. These sections will be documented as being in “GOOD” condition meaning very minor cracks and/or leaks. This will also be recorded in Fairfield’s effort to find and reduce I&I issues in the Town’s Sewer System.

Two of the recent events at the Community Center left it in an undesirable condition. Cheryl presented a bill for extra pay for the Community Center cleaning after these events. Every time the facility is rented, a damage deposit is charged.

Normally, the deposit would be refunded. When the new application was adopted, the council agreed that whoever cleaned up after a function would be paid $25/hour from the damage deposit. The three hours that Cheryl spent cleaning were above and beyond the volunteer time that she donates to the Town.


Brian motioned to approve the extra pay of $75 for the Community Center cleaning; seconded by Mary. The motion carried.

Time off
Cheryl will be gone the rest of this week and the last week of July.

Review Complaints & Compliments
Compliment: “Do I need to fill out one of your silly forms in order to compliment the town on getting the recycling thingee in place? We've used it a couple times already, and it's great to be able to be responsible with recyclables without having to drive all the way to Spokane.”

A 5-minute break was called before going into executive session.

Executive Session was called at 8:57. The session should last 15 minutes to discuss contracting opportunities. No actions will take place.

Executive session adjourned at 9:46
Regular session was called back to order at 9:46.

The regular meeting adjourned 9:46 pm.
______________    _________________________
Mayor Ed Huber     Clerk/Treasurer Cheryl Loeffler

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