Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Rockford Town Council Minutes, May 2, 2012

Rockford Town Council
May 2, 2012
7:00 pm

Mayor Micki Harnois brought the meeting to order after the Pledge of allegiance was recited. Council members present: Clint Stevenson, Steve Meyer, Thomas Smith and Dave Thompson. Council member Jim Oshanick was absent. Clerk/Treasurer Darlene LaShaw and Public Works Operator John Goyke were also present.

Public Hearing – Conditional Use Permit (CUP)
A Public Hearing was held for CDA Service Station Equipment (CDASSE)/Primeland CUP application for a 3000 gallon above ground diesel tank.

Micki explained the reason for CUP is that in the Town’s development regulations the only thing to fit in current zoning which is light industrial, is sales of agricultural product.

Micki further explained an environmental review had been completed. It had been sent in to Determination of Non significance (DNS), the appeal period ends May 11th at 5 pm.

Don Boyd of CDASSE the applicant spoke that this tank will enhance what Primeland already has. The proposed tank will be located on the existing slab. Ballards will be placed per code.

John Goyke asked how many gallons does one separator hold.

Don Boyd stated that they are designed so any spillage will drain into oil/water separator, which will hold 1000 gallons and the concrete pad holding 1000 gallons for a total of 2000 gallons..

John Goyke asked what happens when the separator fills up. John is asking because this project is in the well head protection zone. Does the container hold certain gallons or the whole amount?

Don Boyd stated that it holds the largest amount that a fill truck holds.

John Goyke said he would check on this. John will find out what the minimal containment requirements are, due to being in the recharge zone. John will call Ed Perry.

Don Boyd stated that he wanted to make sure everyone is comfortable before work begins.

John Goyke noted that it might be as simple as expanding containment behind with plastic.

With no further comment, the public hearing was closed.

Council Meeting
Micki Harnois brought the regular meeting to order. The same council members attending the hearing were present at the Council Meeting.

Mayor’s Comments
Micki Harnois announced that “American Pickers” TV show wants to come to Washington State and found Rockford on the website. No notice of date or time yet. If you have ideas of locations to visit let it be known. Micki mentioned Jim Pierce’s.

Jerome Green regarding the video on the Scenic Highway will be in Oakesdale May 7th at their Council meeting regarding this video. Micki will attend.

Committee Reports
Steve Meyer reported he had John look for figures on how many streets need gravel. 222 yards of 5/8 @ $6.16 per yard would cost approximately $1,355.00 for gravel. He wasn’t sure if there was enough in the budget.

John Goyke spoke that the road up by the Fricke’s (North Street) needs 5/8”.

Micki asked about work on pot holes.

Steve Meyer asked if they’d heard anymore on Missile Road.

Micki answered it was in the hands of the Feds to reclassify it.

Micki further spoke that the Town has a Tree City USA plaque and flag. The Town is officially a Tree City now. The Town will get a new flag every year and a sticker for our plaque. Arbor Day is May 12th, and the Town has 6 junipers to be planted.

Tire collection and clean up day is also on the 12th of May.

Chipping Day is May 19th.

Public Comment
Ivan Willmschen stated that he understands cell phones being off during a meeting, however firemen need to have theirs on for emergencies.

Ivan also complained about the manhole in back of Coumont’s yard. The sink hole in Ivan’s yard has gotten bigger. More dirt will go into the sewer line. Ivan stated that he has had two backups in his house before and he doesn’t want it a third time.

Ivan further spoke of the enforcement officer. The Town paid Bill Shultz $13,528.45 and Terry Ottosen $4,920.29. There are some months he does not have figures for. The total is $18,448.74. What has gotten accomplished? He spoke with someone and heard that Rockford is starting to look like Plummer and Worley. Rockford is going downhill.

Ivan stated that he was told last fall by Micki that Jerame Clark would only be hired on for emergencies. Ivan believes we have to watch our pennies more than we have.

Ivan continued on with the mobile home across from Eric Larson’s house, on Third Street, stating that people are living in it.

Steve Meyer confirmed that people are living there.

Bill Creed mentioned that he had got cussed out when he was handing out flyers for the fire levy.

Steve Meyer stated that the trailer had once been condemned.

Dave Thompson stated that L&I are in control of trailers.

Steve Meyer suggested that if Ivan can find a solution, then go for it.

Kathy Creed asked if a number of people called the Health Department would it help. Kathy plans on calling.

Ivan further spoke of the water leak by John Lundquist’s corner, loosing thousands of gallons a day.

John reported that he knows about the leak, it has been there for years. It was leaking when Paul worked here. John further spoke that he and Clint had been discussing the leak. John stated that the Town is responsible from the main to the basement of Primmers. John stated they thought of running poly pipe from the pumping station to Primmers.

Art Grewe mentioned that the leak had been there since winter, his yard is like a glacier.

Ivan told Micki he is requesting a meeting with her, he has several other concerns.

Clint Stevenson made a motion to approve the minutes of April 18th, 2012. Thomas Smith seconded the motion, motion carried.


Clint Stevenson made a motion to approve checks 11453 – 11492 in the amount of $45,813.90. Thomas Smith seconded the motion, motion carried. Micki reported that two checks would be reimbursed for the DOE grant for Shoreline Master Plan.

Claims 11453 -11456, 11466 – 11492 $39,463.75

Payroll 11457 – 11465 $ 6,350.17

Planning Commission
Larry Van Every reported that the Planning Commission approved Coeur d’ Alene Service Station Equip Conditional Use Permit application for the above ground diesel tank project.

Treasurer’s Report
Darlene reported the Treasurer’s Report for March 2012 - $280,139.98 all in funds.

Old Business
Discussion took place regarding the dog ordinance. Steve Meyer stated that he didn’t realize the attorney’s reviewed the ordinance already.

Darlene reported that Spokanimal will not act with the current ordinance that the Town has. Kathy Creed asked if the old complaints work if the Town adopts the new ordinance.

Steve Meyer made a motion to adopt Ordinance 12-5, Rockford’s Animal Control Ordinance for a six month period. Clint seconded the motion, motion carried.

New Business
A discussion took place regarding groups of people using the park for their parties, reunions and etc; some leaving debris behind them for the Town to clean up. It was the consensus of the Council to charge a $ 50.00 damage deposit for using the park for events. Vicki Bergstrom suggested having a document with the regulations that park users would have to sign.

It was the consensus of the Council to continue with the lighting/electrical updating in the shop and/or park for AWC RMSA’s 2012 Loss Control Grant. The grant is due June 15th.

Thomas Smith made a motion to adopt Ordinance 12-6, Town’s Ordinance placing all fees/fines in Ordinances in one Resolution. David Thompson seconded the motion, motion carried.

Resolution 12-4, the Town’s fees and fines resolution, was tabled until the May 16th Council meeting. The Council will have the time to review the resolution.

Public Works
John Goyke reported that the Town had sent in the clean watershed needs survey, which was due on April 30th.

John received the cost estimate for well # 5, installing soft start motor controls, new wire controls to SCADA at an approximate cost of $4,000 to $4,500. He had not received any figures from Dickerson for the spool insert to replace the clay valve. Currently John has shut well #5 down due to hammering of the pump, fearing it will damage the pump.

John stressed the importance of the SCADA systems being updated. Calvert Tech has now spoken to say they will work on the Town’s system now that Trindera is no longer in the picture. John reported that the Town doesn’t have a back-up of the system and the Town needs one.

Larry Van Every voiced his opinion by saying the Town needs to take care of mechanical problems with well #5 and worry about the computer issues later.

Dave Thompson thought the Town should get something in writing.

It was the consensus of the Council to go forward with the project.

John further reported that the SCOPE car is parked in the shop at night when it is not in use. There is not any schedule of days/time where it is parked. The Town received one complaint from a business so the Town will no longer park the car close to it.

Larry Van Every thanked the Town for parking the car. He claims it has reduced speeders driving through Town.

The Town is currently pumping pond one into two. The Town of Rockford as well as other Towns received a letter from River Keepers regarding alleged violations of the NPDES permit.

Meeting Adjourned.
___________________________________ ____________________________________
Brenda Gambrel/Deputy Clerk                      Micki Harnois/Mayor


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