Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Rockford Town Council Minutes April 4, 2012

Rockford Town Council
April 4, 2012
7:00 pm

Mayor Micki Harnois brought the meeting to order after the Pledge of allegiance was recited. Council members present: Clint Stevenson, Jim Oshanick, Steve Meyer, Thomas Smith and new council member Dave Thompson.

Jim Oshanick made a motion to tape the council meetings. Steve Meyer seconded the motion, motion carried.

Mayor’s Comments
The Town received two proposals from consultants for the Shoreline Master Plan update for the Towns of Latah, Waverly and Rockford.

No word has been received yet on the park drainage grant.

The ballots are out for the fire levy.

A Public Hearing will be held at the April 18th Council Meeting for the proposed sewer and lagoon rate increases.

Micki has spoke with Ozzie Knezovich regarding the sheriff’s contract costs. The maximum cost for 2012 is $31,000, and the maximum cost for 2013 will be $35,000. Micki told Ozzie that the Town can’t continue paying these costs. Ozzie said when the Town gets to that point that they cannot pay he will go to the County Commissioners. Micki mentioned the Town will still send a letter.

Committee Reports
Jim Oshanick – no news on park grant

Micki reported that Darlene had attached a letter on the budget position with information to review. Darlene noted that she would like to know who is going to mow the parks and hours of the part-time public works to help amend the budget.

Old Business
The Council at the last meeting made a motion to adopt Ordinance 12-2 vacating an alley in Blk 42, requested by Andrew Fricke. Since then Darlene has contacted the Assessor’s Office who has sent information explain that the alley was not included in the property taxes; there for the Assessor’s Office did not feel that Andrew Fricke had paid property taxes on that alley for a number of years.

Andrew Fricke had documents showing that the Assessor’s Office had made changes in the description and will be good for tax year 2013.

Darlene reported that there is still an issue of the alley being the Town’s property and it would have to be sold at fair market value. It is a state law.

Micki stated that the Town needed to receive documents from the Assessor’s Office confirming if taxes were paid or not on that alley.

Darlene spoke of the need to have information from the Assessor’s Office to help protect the Town and the need to have everyone on the same page.

Steve Meyer understood Andrew Fricke’s point of view, yet he said the Town needed to protect itself.

Andrew Fricke said Mike Wentz was the person who they had talked to at the Assessor’s Office. Micki will talk to him.

No public comments.

Jim Oshanick made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 21st meeting. Thomas Smith seconded the motion, motion carried.

Planning Commission
Thomas Smith made a motion to approve Kathy Creed being appointed to the Planning Commission. Steve seconded the motion, motion carried.

The Planning Commission did not recommend approval for Tom Board’s fence permit. Issue with vacated alley, non-confirmation on who owns property. Due to these issues, there was no action from the Council.

Steve Meyer suggested that the Town look into records to see if the alley has been paid for. Ordinance 79-12 is the Ordinance regarding the closure of the alley.

Art Grewe stated that the Town had a map showing when alley/streets were vacated, he thought it was in Town Hall in the 50, 60’s era.

Dave Thompson who had been on the Planning Commission mentioned also that the Planning Commission questioned if the property taxes had been paid on that alley all these years.

John stated that there is no news on the composting program. Suzanne Tresko sent the grant in. It was due by April 10th. John had drawn up a site plan. The grant would be a 75% match with the Town including one hour per day for one man for the first year of operation.

Jim Oshanick questioned when the Town agreed that all Towns could use the proposed facility. Jim spoke of an email that mentioned John and Darlene saying other Towns can use it as well. John explained that it was talked about at the last meeting and yes, other Towns would be able to use the facility but couldn’t picture a high volume by other Towns. Micki explained that current Rockford chipping days can be used by other Towns as well.

Jim further talked about someone dumping chips along the fence and asked John if he had given permission for anyone to dump. John said no he hadn’t, Jim said someone did. Jim felt that he, himself should have talked to them.

There is no new information on Sunshine’s recycling program.

The Town received two proposals from consultants for the Shoreline Master Plan update for the Town’s of Latah, Waverly and Rockford.

Next week Micki will try to set up a time with other Town’s representatives to schedule interviews to choose which consultant will work for the project.

The project is being paid for by a DOE grant for $120,000.

Employee Hours
Micki reported that approximately two years ago Brenda’s hours were increased sixteen hours a month to help John with sewer/lagoon reports. At this time this is not happening. Darlene confirmed that Brenda has been using those hours to work on various office tasks. It was the consensus of the council to no longer have Brenda work an additional sixteen hours a month unless it is justified.

The part-time public works is now at three days a week. Reduced from four days a week.

Darlene spoke to the Council that the Council needs to watch expenditures. Darlene stated that she needs a direction with the hours to help amend the budget. She mentioned if the Council did not want her to work full time the staff needed to revamp some projects.

The Council spoke of writing a work log for the part-time public works, to help track time used.

Micki reported in 2011 that the Town paid Triple P Mowing $5,760.00 to mow the parks.

Clint and Thomas spoke of the need to monitor how many times mowing is needed in the late year, and when the mowing will start , it was also discussed that mowing could be done only once a week or every two weeks depending on what is needed.

Steve Meyer made a motion to hire Triple P Mowing to mow the parks for the 2012 season. Jim Oshanick seconded the motion, motion carried.

New Business
Ordinance 12-4 Garbage Service in the Town of Rockford; section 3E should read, approved containers as described in section 2B.

Darlene explained to the Council that snow birds and other people gone for a length of time do not have to have service.

Steve Meyer made a motion to approve Ordinance 12-4 Garbage Service. Jim Oshanick seconded the motion, motion carried.

Public Works Report
John reported that Dickerson Pump is still waiting on parts to fix the problem at well #5. The pump is fine. The bearing dropped down in the motor, so the motor is not good. The wiring looked good. The Town will assess its options of installing a soft start once it is up and going again. John stated that hard starts are bad for both pump and motor.

Clint Stevenson made a motion to approve checks # 11408 – 11452 in the amount of $35,286.21. Jim Oshanick seconded the motion, motion carried.

Claims: Ck#’s 11408,11409,11411,11414,11423 – 11452 $28,122.35

Payroll: Ck#’s 11410, 11412, 11413, 11415 – 11422 $ 7,163.86

Total $35,286.21    $35,286.21

Meeting adjourned.
________________________    _________________________________________

Brenda Gambrel/Deputy Clerk    Micki Harnois/Mayor

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