Friday, March 2, 2012

Fairfield, Wash., Town Council and Public Hearing Minutes, February 21, 2012

FEBRUARY 21, 2012
6:30 P.M.

Note to persons reviewing this document: This is not a verbatim transcript. While an attempt has been made to document pertinent points, these minutes contain only a summary of the discussion and voting.

Council members present: Harry Gibbons, Mary Branon George Davidson, Valerie Spurrell and Brian Kauffman.

Others present: Steve Wulf of Sunshine Disposal, Belinda Hatch, Tom Smith, Shirley Thiel, Barbara Davis, Becky & Bob Obernolte, Connie Barratt, Tom Smith and Marie Hahner, Randy Noble of TD&H, KJ Hanley of Century West, Derek Knecht and Cheryl Loeffler.


Mayor Ed Huber opened the public hearing at 6:31 p.m. Steve Wulf from Sunshine Disposal explained that Commissioner Richards has had several requests to find a way to provide recycling to South Spokane County. Sunshine Disposal is able to provide single-stream recycling where all recyclables can be put into one container. This would allow for the truck to run the route, pick all the recyclables up and go to the plant instead of just going to one location, picking up the actual large bin to take to the recycling plant and returning the bin to that location. Because of the single-stream recycling, a system that is more cost effective can be provided. Two six-yard bins would be placed in a centralized location for the residents to bring their comingled recycling. Sunshine Disposal has located enough of the individual blue bins to provide each household with one and Spokane Regional Solid Waste will be paying for the rent of the large bins. The cost to each community would be $30 per large bin per week or $240 a month for two large bins in Fairfield. The program would start out with a six-month trial period with a review done around 90 days. If the communities have success with the recycling, contracts would be signed between the communities and Sunshine Disposal. This will only be for residential use. The businesses will be approached by Sunshine Disposal and have separate contracts. In order for the program to work financially, Sunshine Disposal needs to have at least 12 large bins throughout the different communities plus the business accounts. They are contacting Liberty and Freeman schools as well as the CDA Casino for their business.

Question: Would every community have containers?
Answer: Yes and this will depend on the size of the community.

Question: Each container will take all of the comingled recyclables?
Answer: Yes.

The opportunity for the residents to reduce the cost of their garbage collection if they recycle even with a potential feebased program is there. A chart showing how much Empire Disposal charges currently and how with recycling, the size of the garbage container or the frequency of pick-ups can be reduced. With the amount of residential utility bills, a $2 per month charge would be added to the utility bill to offset the fees charged by Sunshine Disposal. This would NOT be a moneymaking program and if after the trial period ends and the decision to discontinue recycling is made, the $2 fee would
be discontinued. This fee amount would allow a third large bin if necessary at no additional hardship on the Town’s budget. The Department of Ecology has just announced that there are grants available for recycling at a 75% reimbursement rate.
Cheryl will look more into this.

Question: Where would the $2 fee appear?
Answer: This would appear on the utility bill on a separate line. This fee would also help cover the tipping fee if the entire bin was contaminated and had to go to the waste to energy station instead of being recycled. It is only an additional fee to you if you DON’T use the recycling.

Question: What percentage of the town has garbage service?
Answer: The Town does not have records of who has garbage service.

Question: The cost on the sheet is just Empire Disposal?
Answer: Yes. These figures were provided by Empire Disposal.

Question: Can packing material such as the Styrofoam peanuts be recycled?
Answer: No Styrofoam, glass or pizza boxes can be recycled. A sign will be placed on each individual blue bin as well as on the top of the large bins.

Question: When will it start?
Answer: The other communities are going through their public hearing phase right now so the start up time would be somewhere around April or May.

Question: Is it dependent on all of the communities participating?
Answer: If one community does not participate, Sunshine Disposal would work at obtaining more business accounts to make up the difference.

Question: If only 4 of the towns and 4 businesses sign up, would that completely derail the project?
Answer: We would work with the clerks to see whom else we could get to sign on. Ed suggested that maybe even raise the price to start with so that the communities would not have to wait to begin.

Question: Will glass ever be accepted?
Answer: There is no market for glass at the current time.

Question: Is there restrictions on newspaper?
Answer: No, all parts of the paper are ok. Colored pages also.

Question: Shredded paper?
Answer: They are trying to stay away from the shredded paper, as it is hard on the machinery. We have tried on several occasions in the past to get recycling here but have always hit roadblocks. This is a wonderful opportunity for us down here. The cost will be minimal for everyone. Suggestions to place the large bins would be appreciated.

Question: Does anyone here feel that a $2 fee is unreasonable to charge for this? It would be only to cover the cost of the recycling.
Answer: There was no definite objection to this fee from the audience.

Question: What about people from outside of the community using the bins?
Answer: That is something that will have to be watched. If there is an excessive use from outside city limits, perhaps the county could be approached to help with the costs.

Question: If the project doesn’t succeed after the six months, will the $2 fee stop?
Answer: Absolutely.

Question: How will the households get the blue bins?
Answer: That is something that we will need to work on further.

Comment: I already recycle and pay for the 20-gallon container from Empire Disposal so I really wouldn’t have any savings but I am in favor of the recycling.

Comment: You certainly cannot drive your own recycling to Spokane for $2.

With no further questions or comments, Mayor Huber closed the public hearing at 7:05.

Mayor Huber called the regular council meeting to order on February 21, 2012 at 7:06 pm.

Approval of Minutes


Brian Kauffman motioned to approve the February 7, 2012 regular council minutes as presented, seconded by Harry Gibbons. The motion carried.


Approval of the Claims
Claim vouchers #16551 through #16560 for $8,709.13 and EFTs for $4,574.04 were approved for payment as presented by Harry Gibbons, seconded Brian Kauffman. The motion carried.

Claims: $ 5,826.17
Payroll: 7,457.00
Total Claims: $13,283.17
Check Registers signed by: Mary Branon, Brian Kauffman and George Davidson.


Brian motioned to excuse the absence of Mary Branon from the 2-7-2012 council meeting due to a family emergency; seconded by Harry. The motion carried.

Rick Noll from Spokane Conservation District presented different projects and programs that will be available from the Conservation District. They will be holding “Livestock and Land Program” at the Fairfield Community Center on March 11. For more information, call 509-535-7274.

Engineer’s Report
Randy Noble of TD&H presented an update for the Main Street Rehabilitation Project. One set of the preliminary plans were submitted for council review. TD&H would like to have comments back by the 2nd of March.

Century West
There is the pre-bid meeting Friday the 24th. There are seven contractors that have picked up the bid packet so far. All of the residents and businesses in the area of the project will be notified of the project. KJ will draft a letter for Cheryl to send out on Town letterhead.

KJ also researched with Pat Stretch of CDBG and how the grant applications are evaluated. Eligibility is based on having the application complete and submitted by deadline. Lower scores are given for multiple years of receiving CDBG grants.

Recycling in Fairfield
Discussion following the public hearing was positive from the council. The other four communities will be holding public hearings within the next few weeks and decision one way or the other will follow. Cheryl will work with Suzanne Tresko on the Department of Ecology grant.

Levi’s Room update
There were approximately 65 people present at the open house for Levi’s Room. Everyone is very excited about the possibilities. Nina Culver also had a wonderful article in Saturday’s Valley Voice section of the Spokesman Review. Volunteers and chaperones are needed so the room can run smoothly. Alene will contact MRSC about performing background checks on all volunteers.

Budget amendment corrections
This was tabled until next meeting.

Zoning inquest follow up
Cheryl contacted Kathy Marcus of Westland Planning about possible usage of the property on the east side of town. She agreed that a conditional use permit would be sufficient and there would be no need to rezone the area. Cheryl will check into whether a public hearing for the conditional use permit has to be held.

Cheryl would like to utilize Facebook for the Town of Fairfield. This would be a great way to advertise the Community Center and the various functions that are going on. Council agreed that this would be a good venue to use. Valerie Spurrell will help Cheryl put this together.

Public Works Update
  • Water leak on Second St. and Seward, discovered on Monday the 13th. Locates were called in and line was exposed on Tuesday the 14th. Three leaks were found in a service line and all leaks were repaired with stainless clamps. New service line and exterior meter needs to be installed when weather breaks.
  • Coliform bacteria analysis test was taken for February and came back satisfactory “Total Coliform Absent”.
  • Lance Stafford w/VTI Electric has submitted a bid for generator installation at well #5.
  • Topped off generator diesel and put under monthly test load.
  • Testing has been completed for February w/ favorable results.
  • Lift station de-greaser is doing a satisfactory job breaking down grease in lift-station surface.
  • Picked up garbage and branches from upper and lower parks.
  • Some vandalism has been notated in Lower Thiel Park and is currently being investigated.
  • Approximately a 10’ x 20’ section of road has been shut down at the intersection of Seward and Second St. due to water line repairs. Section will remain closed until road base has dried enough to support traffic.
  • Continuing road shoulder repair from washout damage.
  • Fixed rainwater basin to storm drain on Railroad and Governor Moore Ave.
  • Other: Cleaned out drain trough in the city shop, poor drainage issues from catch basin, silt has been removed.
George Davidson wanted to remind everyone to keep your doors locked and be aware of your neighbors. Take precautions if you are planning to be away for any amount of time. There are still some people in the area that are violating property.

Cheryl has a grant from Spokane Parks Foundation that would be helpful with the pruning of the trees in Hart and Thiel Parks. She has asked John Jesseph to help with this one. There is also one from Wal-Mart that has different types of grants that will be looked into.

Review Complaints & Compliments

The regular meeting adjourned 8:53 pm.
­­­­­­­­_____________   _________________________
Mayor Ed Huber   Clerk/Treasurer Cheryl Loeffler

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