Thursday, September 22, 2011

Rockford City Council Meeting September 7, 2011

Town of Rockford
September 7, 2011
7:00 p.m.

"Minutes do not include corrections made to the Approved Minutes, and do not include Voided Warrants."

Mayor Micki Harnois brought the meeting to order after she gave the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Council members present were: Clint Stevenson, Steve Meyer, Jim Oshanick, Stan Seehorn, and Thomas Smith. Public Works Operator John Goyke and Clerk/Treasurer Darlene LaShaw were also present.

Clint Stevenson made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 17th Council meeting. The motion was seconded by Thomas Smith, motion carried.

Tire Collection Grant
Thomas Smith made a motion to approve the Interagency Agreement # C1100 between the Dept. of Ecology and the Town for the Community Tire Recycle Day contingent upon taking tires only. No rims. This grant in the amount of $ 5,012.00 is funded by the DOE. Clint Stevenson seconded the motion; motion carried.

Randy Noble was present to update the Council on the current projects.

Well house additions – the permits have been obtained and work is planned to start the week of the 19th. Randy will suggest for TML to start the following week due to the fair.

Water reservoir and pumping station project – site rough grading is complete. The valve vault and metering station has been installed. Construction of the tank will start on the 22nd.

Lagoon liner bubble – Cynthia Wall from DOE is searching for grants to help pay for the project.

TIB applications – applications will be delayed until 2014 when Weaver/Missile Base Road may be recognized by Transportation Improvement Board as an arterial. Randy mentioned that Spokane County was going to send a letter to TIB requesting to have Weaver reclassified as an arterial. He did not know if the letter had been sent or not.

The planned chip sealing project on Stringham and River Streets is not a TD&H project.

Layne Merritt and Dave Kliewer of JUB Engineers were asked to attend to introduce the CIPP option for sewer line rehabilitation. JUB has not been hired to work on any projects at this time. The benefits of this trenchless technology were explained by both representatives. No decisions were made.

Public Works
Three leaks in Town had been worked on in one week. Leaks were located on B, Lake and Sprague Streets.

Finding valves had been the difficult to find to shut sections of lines down. Jim Oshanick felt that the mapping that Lon Ottosen plans to do will help save time, trouble from searching for the valves.

The Ford pickup has trouble starting. It will need to be looked at.
The backhoe has some hydraulic problems.
Jarame Clark had been hired for part time to help John.

John reported that DOE had visited the lagoon area. The sampler for effluent will be moved in the lagoon building and the aerators will be shut off to save money.

John also reported that the inmates will return a few days before the fair to help clean up areas.
Jon reported he had been using his own pickup for Town work. He has been paying for his own fuel and insurance.

Stan Seehorn asked about the Adams Electric invoice. Darlene explained to him the Town had received a Loss Control Grant for security system installation. Adams had started the project months ago and finished.

Mayor’s Comments
Micki announced that on Sunday, September 11th at 10:00 am, a remembrance of 9/11 will be heard with the siren and bells for one minute. At 12:30 in the park a gathering for 9/11 will take place. Micki will be reading a Proclamation.

Micki reported that the Lion’s Club has done a great job on the little white building in the park.
Micki will be meeting with Terry Ottosen regarding Code Enforcement regarding the trailers belonging to the Moyers.

Micki has talked to the Sheriff Department and asked the Department to do regular patrolling at Third and B Streets.

Council Comments
Clint Stevenson reported the Tree Board met and will plant three trees on the Friday of the fair at 4:00 pm. Western White Pine, Western Red Cedar and a Western Larch were the trees selected. Each tree will be 5 or 6 feet tall.

Steve Meyer noted that some of the past due accounts have made payment plans. Alene Willmschen asked what efforts have been made to collect the past dues.

Pete Abbey mentioned that his rental had been billed for water usage. Someone had turned on the meter. He does not know who.

Jim Oshanick spoke that he believes someone is not doing the job to the best or their abilities.
Fred Abbey requested copies of Fredneck’s bills from March 2010. After a brief discussion, Micki reported that she will meet with the Abbey’s again.

Ivan Willmschen reported that with the new increase of water rates the system is rounding up and he did not feel that was right.

Darlene reported that the computer rounds up the 1000 gallons of usage on the utility bill; i.e. if you used 23,810 gallons of water the computer will round it up to 24,000 gallons of water. The office will get clarification from BIAS on it.
Public Comment

Pete Abbey asked Micki if she had ever received information on the garbage question he had. Micki reminded him he had received a credit on his garbage account. Micki stated she would talk to him more at a later date.

Ivan spoke to Micki reminding her that he had recently told her he was against placing the minutes on the website. He had pointed out Alene’s name was misspelled in the minutes and also a typographical error in another paragraph. Those are why he does not want the minutes placed on the web site.
It was the consensus of the Council to not place minutes on the website.

Ivan reported he used to be a nice guy but no longer. He knew that Micki would probably be tired of hearing it but he wanted to know what was being done about the past dues. She reported that he had already stated what she should do - go to the homes where all the past dues are.

Stan spoke out that this is not the place to come and hammer people. No one is going to homes for past dues. People need to be treated with respect.

Micki briefly reported that the Planning Commission will work on the paper work for placing the Rockford Military Museum and the Masonic Hall museum on Rockford’s Historic registration.
The committee will also be working on zoning code regulations.

Old Business
The Town will send the Keevy’s at 342 W. Lake Street a letter stating they need to get a survey to find their property lines. They may be able to find survey stakes from neighboring properties that would help them.

Darlene will continue to work with Stan on the Financial Policy.

Micki briefly spoke of the County’s Emergency Management Comprehensive Plan (CEMP). The County would like the Town to adopt it. Darlene reported that they would like it adopted by the end of October. Micki invited anyone to review it.

John will look into rubber speed bumps for Willow St.

New Business
The Spokane Co. Sheriff Department’s agreement was tabled until further review.

The Council meeting on October 5th will be scheduled at 6:00 p.m. Roger Neal of AWC will attend for a question/answer session on roles and responsibilities of Mayors, Council, staff and citizens. His presentation will follow the Council meeting.

It was the consensus of the Council to allow Rockford Community Center (RCC) to place a sidewalk to the west of its property that will also be in a portion of the Town street.

Vivian would like to review the Town’s regulations on signs. The RCC would like to place a sign advertising the center.

Jim spoke of the County having a number of picnic tables that need some work and they would be given away if anyone wanted to have them. The Lion’s Club is interested in them but not for this fair. He felt someone needed to look at them.

Meeting adjourned.
___________________   _________ ________________________________
Darlene LaShaw, Clerk   Micki Harnois, Mayor


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