7:00 SEPTEMBER 6, 2011P.M.
Note to persons reviewing this document: This is not a verbatim transcript. While an attempt has been made to document pertinent points, these minutes contain only a summary of the discussion and voting.
The regular council meeting was called to order on September 6, 2011 at 6:30 pm by Mayor Ed Huber.
Council members present: Harry Gibbons, Karrie Stewart, KayDee Gilkey, Mary Branon and Brian Kauffman.ACTION
Brian motioned to excuse KayDee Gilkey and Mary Branon from the August 16, 2011 meeting; seconded by Harry Gibbons. The motion passed with Mary and KayDee abstaining from voting.
Others present: Dave Tysz, KJ Hanley, Alene Felgenhauer, Derek Knecht and Cheryl Loeffler.Approval of Minutes
Brian Kauffman motioned to approve the August 16, 2011 minutes as presented, seconded by Karrie Stewart.
The motion carried.
ActionApproval of the Claims
- Claims: $22,232.06
- Payroll: 8,390.25
- Total Claims: $30,622.31
Check Registers signed by: Mary Branon, Brian Kauffman and Karrie Stewart.
Dave Tysz. The contract for the certified water and waterwater operator was discussed with Dave Tysz. The contract
would run for three consecutive years with a 90-day notification from either party to terminate the contract. If the fees for the classes and licenses were to increase, the increase would be passed along to the Town after council approval. There is not a conflict of interest between Evergreen Rural Water and Dave.
The Town received a letter from the Department of Health requesting the name of the certified operator
with a deadline of 9-14-2011 for notification. Ed has also talked with Cynthia Wall from the Department of Ecology and they approve the use of Dave Tysz as the certified water and wastewater operator and having Derek gather the samples for the testing.
Public Works II
Derek thought using Dave for the certification and hiring someone to help him is the best scenario. He was also asked what he would need for help. He would like to see someone hired that is trainable and a selfstarter. He will put together a job description based off the needs right now. WATER
- Leak at St. John Hardware has been officially fixed. Ditch along Hwy. 27 has since dried up.
- Looking into another possible leak at Nu-Chem. (meter box stays full of water)
approach for reducing exposure to lead in drinking water. This rule revision applies to all Group A community and non-transient non-community water systems. Rule revision topics include: - The new Lead and Copper Rule goes into effect October 1, 2011. The rule provides a more effective.
- Clarifying monitoring requirements.
- Improving consumer awareness.
- Modifying lead service line replacement.
- Still “NO-DISCHARGE” and will continue into September if dry weather persists. This will help meet permit levels and limits due to the extremely wet spring we were on track to exceed for the year. This will also keep testing costs down.
- • Ed has sprayed the thistles and did a great job (they are dying)
- • Minor mowing and weed eating are being accomplished.
- • Eric Coats could not make it two weeks ago and is going to re-schedule his visit for later this fall.
- Nets at upper BB court have been changed by Hoop-fest personnel
- Windstorm damaged two trees in the Upper Park beyond good repair. Trees were taken out as they were now a hazard. Work was done by John Jesseph.
Karrie motioned to authorize expenditure of the $350 Loss control grant for removal of the wind-damage
trees in Hart Park; seconded by Brian. The motion carried.
- JD 316 Deck wheel replaced/ working on replacement bids for new mower
- Waiting on moisture to grade washboards
- Will be tentatively hauling gravel from Rockford 09/14 and 09/15 to stockpile
Engineers Report
The final paperwork for both the 2010 Sewer Improvement Project and pedestrian bridges has been received and sent to CDBG.
2011 Sewer Improvement Project
KJ presented the design to the council for the 2011 Sewer Improvement Project which will be on Carlton Avenue from 2nd to 3rd. With the council’s approval, KJ will send this design to the Department of Transportation (DOT) for their quick approval. If they approve the plans, advertising for bids will go out next week with bid opening on September 29. Tentative start date will be October 18 with a 20-day timeline. If the weather turns bad, the project will be moved until the spring of 2012. There is no plan to have Carlton torn up during the winter months.
Brian motioned to approve the 2011 Sewer System Improvement design to go out to bid, contingent on DOT approval, seconded by Karrie. The motion carried.
Mary motioned to approve the Determination of nonsignificance (DNS) with a 14- day comment period,
seconded by Harry. The motion carried.
Cheryl will place this in The Exchange.
TIGER Discretionary Grant
KJ reviewed the 2011 Tiger grant discretionary grant from US DOT, which Cheryl had sent to him. After
researching the past receivers of this grant, it apperas the funds are primarily used for large metropolitan areas and not fit with Portland Avenue.
Public works position
The annual budget was reviewed and it was determined that there is funding to hire Dave Tysz to be the
certified water/wastewater operator, promote Derek to Public Works Supervisor with a raise to $17.00 and hire someone full time for the Public Works II at a wage of up to $12.50, depending on their experience.
KayDee motioned to approve the move of Derek to Public Works Supervisor with a pay raise to $17.00 an hour effective when the new employee is hired with the $100 bonus still in effect until a new employee is hired; seconded by Harry The motion passed with four yea and one nay.
Mary motioned to approve the contract as outlined with Dave Tysz as the certified operator for the water
and wastewater; seconded by Brian. The motion carried.
Karrie motioned to authorize advertising for the full time Public Works II position with a wage of up to
$12.50 depending on the applicant’s experience; seconded KayDee. The motion carried.
Community Center recognition board
The council reviewed the lay out and names for the recognition board. The suggestions will be applied and the board will be purchased.
Planning Commission
The Planning Commission recommends that the council approve Building permit #02-2011 for an addition to a home.
Brian motioned to approve Building Permit #02-2011; seconded by Harry. The motion carried.
The council has received the official resignation of Todd Verhei from the Planning Commission. This position will be posted.
Special Occasion Liquor License
Mary motioned to approve the Special Occasion Liquor License for the Liberty Community Education
Foundation event 10-29-2011; seconded by Karrie. The motion carried.
Old Fashioned Christmas
The council would like to sponsor the Old Fashioned Christmas again this year Karrie will do the Children’s Workshop and would like to help with the vendors. The date will be December 3, 2011. Cheryl will make sure that the bank and the Kids for Camp know of the date. The entry forms will be sent out right away. There was also discussion about some of the vendors in the past not being content with their locations. A map of the floor with the vendor’s first four choices of locations will be sent along with the entry form to hopefully alleviate that problem. Cheryl will talk to the Food Bank about the luncheon.
Third quarter impact funds
Alene has prepared an application for a few new pieces of playground equipment in Thiel Park for the Third Quarter Impact Funds from Wilbur Ellis.
Solid Waste Grants
Suzanne Tresko from Spokane County Solid Waste is applying for the Regular Coordinated Prevention Grants which are used for things like the Yard Debris Day and educational sessions. She commented that the communties can apply for these grants themselves but the funds are population-based so the smaller communities do not receive much funding. She is asking the communities for suggestions on what they would apply for so that these can be included in the grant OR the Solid Waste could already have it in their program. One suggestion is a compost training class. She is checking with her educators and the compost class could be tentatively scheduled for the same day as the yard debris, which is October 22. Cheryl also mentioned perhaps some kind of a large item such as furniture or refrigerator pick-up day. Suzanne will work on that and perhaps that can be included on the spring yard debris day.
2011 Spokane County Sheriff Contract
The paperwork for the interlocal agreement for the Costs Incident to Law Enforcement Services in the Town of Fairfield (2011 Spokane County Sheriff’s Contract) was just finalized by the county and sent out to the appropriate communities.
Mary motioned to approve the 2011 Sheriff contract; seconded by Brian. The motion carried.
Flag Day Float Committee
Harry reported to the council that the Flag Day Float Committee met today and would like to have an insert about Flag Day in the next newsletter. Cheryl will email JeriKay Thieren and let them know that the Town is more than happy to put any information in the newsletter. Ed recommends that everything must be written by the committee members and will be proofed by a council member.
Cheryl reminded the council about the dance on September 10th and asked everyone to personally invite
someone to come with them.
Review Complaints & Compliments
8-26-2011: A young adult walking her dog and the dog was attacked by a dog from the house at 105 N
McNeil. **Howard Brutschy, the complaintant, requested to have verification of rabies vaccination and have the dog licensed instead of pursuing potentially dangerous dog. The letter was addressed to the owner and is still waiting to have him pick it up. He does not have a local mailing address.
09-01-2011: Dog complaint of the dog from N 202 Johnson running loose, charging at people through the fence and barking nonstop. **Letter written and copy of ordinance #346 sent to dog owner.
The regular meeting adjourned at 9:23 pm.
Mayor Ed Huber Clerk/Treasurer Cheryl Loeffler
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