Thursday, May 26, 2011

Rockford Town Council Meeting - April 20, 2011

"Minutes do not include corrections made to the Approved Minutes, and do not include Voided Warrants."

Mayor Micki Harnois brought the meeting to order after Bill Benson of the United Methodist Church gave the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Council members present were:  Steve Meyer, Jim Oshanick and Stan Seehorn.  Public Works Operator John Goyke and Clerk/Treasurer Darlene LaShaw and Deputy Clerk Brenda Gambrel were also present.  Thomas Smith and Clint Stevenson’s absentees were both excused.

Jim made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 6th Council meeting.  Steve seconded the motion; motion carried.

TD&H - Randy Noble
Well House addition.   Randy was here to update the Council on the two main water projects.   Randy informed the Council that two bids for the well house addition project were over the amount that was available from CDBG.  The apparently low bid from TML Construction was approximately $ 86,000.  Construction funds budgeted from CDBG is $ 61,000.  Randy briefly described the design of the proposed buildings.

Randy further informed the Council he had talked to Pat Stretch of CDBG for a direction of this project.  Pat gave him four options the Town can choose:
·       Do not do anything or do not go forward.  All engineer fees that have been paid will have to be absorbed by CDBG. 
·       Move forward with one building not two buildings.
·       Town pays for all the additional costs.
·        Pat Stretch suggested that funds from the grant to repair the SW reservoir roof and PRV valve on Stringham Rd. could be reallocated to help fund the well house project.  This was recommended by Pat Stretch.

Randy Noble estimated that the cost of one building vs. two buildings would be approximately $ 50,000.  He further informed the Council that a decision did not have to be made at that time.  The decision was tabled until further information was obtained.  Randy will send out documents to the Council members to review before the next meeting.

Reservoir   Randy announced that a pre construction meeting had been scheduled for May 4th at 3:00 pm at the Town Hall.  This meeting will be held to meet all supervisors, managers and etc.

Randy will send out the updated Frisbie booster pump change order when Gabe completes them.

Steve asked if the old booster station can be used for B Street.  Randy said it was a possibility.  The old booster runs 24/7.  He didn’t know if it can be re wired to be turned on/off.

Lagoon bubble.  Randy reported there is a bubble in Pond #2, (the north pond).  Earlier in the day John, Randy, and Marsha Sands of the DOE met at the lagoon.  The DOE agrees that there is gas in the bubble.

Randy spoke of a French drain system in the system.  The DOE mentioned that the plan should be placed in the design guidelines for other lagoons.  Randy asked the DOE if the Town’s lagoon as well as Fairfield’s lagoon could be a pilot project would there be any funding available?  The DOE will look into it.

It was the Consensus of the Council to renew the 2006 general engineering contract with TD&H.  TD&H will not be able to start work on any project until authorization.    Expenditures will not exceed $ 10,000 in two years.

Spokane Co. Solid Waste Task Force
Doug Parks of the Spokane Co. Solid Waste Task Force updated the Council of the committee’s work.  The Task Force decided that a non profit municipality corporation would need to be created for the protection of everyone.  He will let the Town know when someone from the Town will need to attend one of the meetings to vote on matters. 

The 14 communities involved will work on an Interlocal Quality agreement.  It is anticipated to have the final draft ready by the first of June.  A County Commissioner will plan to attend the Town Council meeting to discuss the agreement with the Council.

Department of Emergency Management
Gerry Bozarth of the Department of Emergency Management gave a brief presentation of FEMA Disaster Cost Recovery programs.
·       Public Assistance – for governments
·       Individual Assistance – minimum of 20 people w/40% of damage uninsured
·       Small Business Administration (SBA) – low interest loans for applicants who suffer  economic/physical damage

Rural Community Assistance Corp
RCAC – Jim Wilson and Andy O’Neil of Rural Community Assistance Corporation were present to speak to the Council about the Town’s water rates.   Jim spoke of the short fall in the Town’s water fund.  He and Andy had completed a preliminary analysis of the rates, history, and budgetary numbers.  The report was submitted to the Council for review.

He further explained that for the year of 2010 2/3 of the water fund revenues are from the base rate.  The Town only receives approximately $ 2,080.00 from the middle level of the current rate structure.

Jim also mentioned of the Town adopting an ordinance with various water fees and collection of those fees.

No decisions on the Town’s water rates were made. 

A discussion took place on the billing of the water usage at the trailer park.  There is one meter for eight units.  There is not an ordinance that states certain regulations for billing water for meters with multi user accounts.

The trailer park owners provided a document of calculations of what had been charged vs. what should have been charged.

The owner further submitted a copy of a “Final Notice” document that had been posted by John and Brenda weeks prior.  John briefly explained the process of how the late notices are delivered.  Micki spoke that the notices will not be handed out like that again.

Brenda will set a meeting with BIAS, Carmen Roche and the Town, showing how the computer computes the utility bills.

The decision of how multi user accounts will be billed was tabled until the next meeting.

Mayor’s Comments
Micki quickly spoke of her trip earlier in the day for the signing of the bill for the Scenic Bi-way.  She further explained that the Town will have the ability to apply for Federal grants.

Public Comments
It was the consensus of the Town to sell the two surplus pick ups with a private sale. A resolution will be submitted to the Council at the meeting declaring the vehicles surplus.

John reported that he and Skyler have graveled, rolled B Street and have started ditching W Lake Street.

John had not received any returned calls on sweeper costs.

Jim announced that the Town needed to pay attention to the report submitted by RCAC and watch the Town’s expenditures.

Treasurer’s Report
Darlene reported March 2011 Treasurer’s Report as $ 331,579.67, all in funds.

Old Business
Jim will have a plan for the park’s drainage project by the next meeting.

Micki reported that Neil Davey plans to speak to Jeff Sainsbury regarding the electricity needs in the park.

New Business
The CHS lease agreement was tabled until the next meeting. The office will look into the Town’s current liability amount for the park.

The Town will issue Council member Stan Seehorn a Town of Rockford credit card to help purchase supplies and parts for the Town.

The Town had received a letter from Rockford resident Mona Vanek regarding her request to place the Town’s website as a link to her North Palouse e- Newscast.  Micki announced that a copy of the letter was available for everyone.

Meeting adjourned.

______________________________                                 ______________________________
Darlene LaShaw, Clerk                                                 Micki Harnois, Mayor                             

The North Palouse Washington e-Newscast,                                                                                                                                     

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