Thursday, March 7, 2013

Public Hearing and Rockford Town Council Meeting, February 20, 2013

Rockford Town Council
February 20, 2013
7:00 pm

Mayor Micki Harnois brought the Public Hearing to order after the Pledge of Allegiance.  Council members present:  Thomas Smith, Clint Stevenson, David Thompson and Larry Van Every.  Steve Meyer was excused.  Clerk/Treasurer Darlene LaShaw and Public Works John Goyke were also present.
Public Hearing
A public hearing was held for USDA funding for two (2) flow meters for the lagoon system.  Micki Harnois briefly explained the Town applied for the meters and the regulations of USDA Rural Development state that a hearing must be held.
Layne Merritt of JUB was present to explain the program.  Layne also explained that current meters are not working and the Town applied for $12,000.00.  Layne mentioned after a few clarifications the Town should receive funds - $3,000.00 loan and $9,000.00 grant.
Clint Stevenson asked if the meters were a good brand. Layne replied – top level of meter – Siemen’s brand. Rick Hauf asked if they were the same meter as the City of Spokane.  Layne was not sure what Spokane had on its system.
Phil Evans asked how long parts would be available.  The Town has been burned before.  Layne replied that with Siemens he would expect parts to be available for many years.
Rick Hauf asked how good the warranty was.  Layne replied he will check on this.
Kathy Creed asked whose job is it to look for these funds – JUB or Micki’s?  Layne replied it is a combined effort.
Micki Harnois explained that attending IACC conference, talking to agencies they become aware of the Town’s needs.  Micki asked Layne if Rick Rose gave a 0 % loan.
Layne answered – no.
Larry Van Every asked what would happen if the Town didn’t get meters.
John Goyke said the Town would get fined from DOE/EPA.  A fine would be given to make the Town do something.  Meters would give Town data for needed information for compliance issues.
Rick Hauf voiced his thoughts of a brand new liner that had been installed not many years ago and had been damaged.  Rick didn’t feel it should be patched.  Rick would like the council to consider a new liner.  Clint Stevenson explained that the Town had already gone through bids.  Rick also asked the average life span of a liner.   Layne said twenty (20) to thirty (30) years.
Thomas Smith stated that the Town couldn’t come up with the funds to pay for a new liner so the council made the decision to patch it.
Robert Tollefson asked if there were to be funds left over can they be used for uv lights?  Micki Harnois answered that no it couldn’t be used for that.
John Goyke briefly explained that the current process that is done with monitoring can only give an average not real numbers.
Rick Hauf voiced that to do it correctly would be extremely labor expensive.
Larry Van Every stated the $12,000.00 would be eaten up fast.
Phil Evans asked where are the readings taken from.
John Goyke informed Phil that he still has to go down to the site but will eventually be able to retrieve them here at the Town Hall.  John further reported that the Town will no longer be able to do written reports, all DMR’s have to be filed on line.
Rick Hauf asked if the Town has software to tell the Town where the levels are on certain days.
Larry Van Every asked if the DOE has funding to help small Towns afford to pay for the software equipment needed.
John Goyke answered DOE gives training for the new electronic DMR’s.
Clint Stevenson asked Layne Merritt how to keep chunks of debris from plugging up the meters.  Layne stated there will ultimately be an automatically-cleaned screen installed but in the interim, he thinks some modifications can be made to the flume to prevent debris from getting stuck in the flume outlet.
Rick Hauf asked if all of $12,000.00 had to go to the meters or could it go to other things as well.  Layne replied that the scope is limited to the meters.
Phil Evans asked if there were funds that didn’t go to engineer fees that could go to other parts.  Layne said that could be investigated.
With no further comments, the public hearing was closed.
Mayor Micki Harnois opened the Council meeting with the same council members present as for the Public Hearing. 
Micki Harnois welcomed new Council member Larry Van Every.
Layne Merritt with JUB updated the Council on DOE funding offer:
Centennial grant of $1.333 million
State Revolving loan of $1.6 million – 20 years at 1.6%
John Goyke reported that he estimated that sewer/lagoon rates would increase approximately to $37.00 on the utility bills monthly to cover the cost of the DOE loan.
Clint Stevenson voiced his concerns regarding the twenty (20) year term.  Will the lagoon system be up to standards in fifteen (15) years?  Clint was concerned that the Town will pay on the loan for fifteen (15) years and then have to borrow money again to make repairs or upgrades; making the Town go into more debt.
Layne Merritt explained that the scenario had been questioned at recent DOE meetings.  Layne stated that the DOE took that into consideration, knowing that it would raise its standards sometime down the road.
John Goyke reported that the DOE has spoke of a package plant for the lagoon system. Goyke has tried to explain to the DOE that it wouldn’t work in Rockford – not for its size and affordability.  The plant would have to have a level 2 employee.  John further stated that the Town will have to look into land application of the effluent so the Town will not be discharging into Hangman Creek.
Layne Merritt informed the Town that JUB’s goal is to come up with the simple most cost effective plan for the Town.
Micki Harnois spoke that many other Town’s have had to go through similar situations.
Phil Evans announced that the Town may have to look into disincorporation.
Kathy Creed said that the Town may lose more people if everyone has to pay $37.00 more a month on their utility bill.
Committee Reports
Micki Harnois spoke that Thomas Smith and Clint Stevenson were both on Water and Sewer committees.  Steve Meyer is on the street committee.  Dave Thompson agreed to be on the park committee.  Micki announced that a new committee was developed.  Larry Van Every and she will be on the Economic Development committee.
Tree Committee
Micki Harnois spoke of the need for the Town to set a date of its Arbor Day, being a member of the Tree City USA.  The current Tree Board is Clint Stevenson, Dave Thompson, Rosie Taylor and Keith Wigen.  Micki will ask Keith if he would take the lead on this year’s event.  A reading of a Proclamation and pictures taken need to be done at the Arbor Day.  Micki Harnois also spoke of dedicating newly planted tree in memory of Don Davis.
Thomas Smith made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 6, 2013 meeting.  Clint Stevenson seconded the motion, motion carried.
Phil Evans asked why the minutes are not on the Town’s web site and why did people not want their names on the web site.  The minutes are all public record.
Micki Harnois answered that people don’t want their names published in the public record.  The Town will have to ask their permission to put their names in the minutes if they are made public on a web site.
Treasurer’s Report
Darlene reported of January 2013 $263,093.69 – all in funds.
Old Business
Micki Harnois reported that the Law Enforcement Levy did not pass.  Micki further reported that the Town had notified Ozzie that the Town would like to set up a meeting with him.  Micki further reported that Ozzie will be at the McIntosh Grange next week at 6:00 pm.
Rick Hauf reported he had been looking to see if he could obtain cost saving prices on some lagoon system equipment.  Rick explained that the system is a good system.  It needs proper maintenance, and improved education.  Rick spoke that he had been helping John look for lamps.  Rick found some for $35.00 each.  The Town needs twenty –eight (28).  Rick can get a box of thirty (30) - $960.00.
Rick Hauf spoke again of the need to have the system cleaned periodically.  Rick announced he would be more than happy to help clean them.  Rick further spoke of the need to have it monitored to make sure it is clean.
Rick Hauf continued to say that only three (3) of the twelve (12) aerators are currently working.  The shafts are locked and motors are bound up.  Rick reported that he and Chuck Collison are proposing to check to see what needs to be fixed and how much to fix them.  They have three phase motors.
Depending on what was included for the aerators in the DOE grant/loan a change order would be needed to change what has been planned and submitted for.
Thomas Smith spoke that the large difference in cost of the uv lights compared to what the Town had paid previously; what is the life expectancy on the bulbs.
The sewer and financial committee will look into available funds for the Town to purchase a number of lamps.
New Business
A tentative date of March 19th at 6:00 pm at the Valleyford Fire Station has been set for a retreat for the Council.
Micki Harnois reported a letter the Town received from First Step regarding the internet service.  Service may be discontinued at anytime.  John will look into costs from other providers.
Planning Commission
Thomas Smith made a motion to approve for Chuck Collison to fill the recently vacated seat on the Town’s Planning Commission.  Larry Van Every seconded the motion, motion carried.
Public Works
John Goyke has been looking into a Generator/Welder for the Town.  Skyler Gambrel will look into one that may cost the Town less and be modern – not a rope start.
John Goyke reported that vehicle maintenance has been started; changing oil and etc.  Looking for tires for the rodder truck.  Micki suggested waiting for the tire recycle day and when people throw away their old tires we can put them on the rodder truck.  John said he would look into getting rims and wait to see if we can get any free junk tires for the truck.
Micki Harnois reported she had talked to the director at DOE that would like to meet without the River Keepers being at the meeting.
Micki Harnois mentioned that the police car has been at her house; no where to park it in the shop.  Micki further reported Liberty Lake will be giving the Town another car.  The Town will be able to use this car to go to other places for meetings and etc, using less gas.
Micki Harnois further mentioned that the Town is on a list for Cheney surplus equipment.
Darlene LaShaw announced that she will be leaving her job at the end of March.  Referring to her health, she reported things were getting harder to do.  Darlene thanked all who supported her.  She thanked both John and Brenda.  Darlene further stated that she would be available to help when needed or asked for.
Darlene asked for Council and citizens to be patient, kind and helpful for the new employee or any new employee.  She further spoke that in the past some people have been so brutal to new employees.  It is not necessary.
Kathy Creed reminded people of the meeting with Ozzie next Wednesday.
Meeting adjourned.
___________________________    __________________
Darlene LaShaw, Clerk/Treasurer     Micki Harnois, Mayor

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