Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Rockford, Washington August 3, 2011 Town Council Minutes

Mayor Micki Harnois brought the meeting to order after the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Council members that were present:  Clint Stevenson, Steve Meyer, Stan Seehorn, and Thomas Smith.  Also present were Public Works Operator, John Goyke and Clerk/Treasurer, Darlene LaShaw and Deputy Clerk, Brenda Gambrel.  Council member Jim Oshanick was absent.

The minutes for the July 20th meeting were approved as submitted.

Randy Noble of Thomas, Dean & Hoskins was present to give an update on the Town’s projects.
Well house additions – The heating will be eliminated in well house at Well #5.  A permit will be obtained by the County by the end of the week. TML are not removing anything from their scope of work.

Reservoir project will start work on August 22nd.  Contractors were waiting on a confirmation date of the delivery of the tank before continuing working.

Randy did some research on solar aerators for the lagoons.  The cost would be approximately $ 240,000.  Cynthia Wall of the DOE is looking into available grants.

TIB applications are due at the end of August.  Randy recommended the Town to wait another year for the Missile Rd/Weaver Street project while the State continues to work on reclassifying those streets to a “rural mini collector”.   TIB funds will be easier to obtain once it is reclassified. 

Randy will submit an application for a sidewalk replacement on River Street.

Micki reported she had signed the form for chip sealing on both Stringham Rd and River Street, being paid by TIB.

Randy spoke briefly that he had a meeting with a lighting company regarding street lighting.

Clint asked if the sidewalk along the street by the Catholic Church had to be replaced, if the Town received the grant for the sidewalks.  He felt that the sidewalks were in good shape.  Could the project end before that block?  Randy mentioned that they were in decent shape but only four feet wide.  He will look into it.

Craig asked with all of the changes in the reservoir project is everything still funded.  Randy informed him that, yes; all is still funded with the project scaled down.

DOE – Shoreline Plan
Jamie Short, a Shoreline Planner of the DOE, was present to let the Council know that the Town can update its Shoreline Master Plan.  In 1974, the Town had adopted the County’s plan.  It hasn’t been updated since then.  She further explained that the Town can wait until the County completes its update, and then the Town can adopt its plan, tailoring it to our own plan.
Jamie will continue visiting the Council meetings for the other South County towns.  Latah has suggested for the Towns to get together and perhaps form a committee.  Jamie suggested that one consultant for all of the towns could be hired to work on the update.  It was the consensus of the Council to go with that idea.

Jamie spoke that the DOE had a grant template to use.  Jamie would be the grant administrator.

Craig inquired about the Town with a creek that travels through it, if people want to build, where do they go to find out what they can do.  Jamie answered that the Shoreline Master Program will have a table that lists what can or can not be done.

Steve asked about the 200 ft buffer line to a creek.  Jamie informed him that the 200 ft is jurisdiction – not a buffer zone.

Web Masters
Andrew Coumont and Josh Grandinetti were present to report on updating the Town’s web site.  They need to know what people wanted on the site.  John thought that people may want the option of tabs that would able people to go to the businesses or organizations sites.

Stan made a motion to allocate $ 800.00 for their completion of the web site.  Thomas seconded the motion; motion carried.

Darlene will continue to send them minutes, agendas, ordinances and resolutions.

Public Works
John reported that Big Sky Industrial were in Town and did the 1,200 feet of sewer jetting and videoing. They worked on the line behind Ivan’s on River Street to Church Street and all of A Street.

They did find that the sewer trunk between Ivan’s and John Lundquist’s house on Weaver Street is broken and will need to be replaced.  They also found problems on A Street.  The tap done for Randy Harnasch’s service line was done incorrectly and had broken the main line that the Town had later paid approximately $ 12,000 to repair.

John also spoke that they couldn’t get the camera through all of A Street.

John noted that any new problems the insurance company will not pay now that the Town knows of the problems.

John spoke of an issue of damaged lawns after the BSI had been on the Town’s easement.  John had not admitted to any liability.  The work was done on the easement.  It was the only way to get the truck in there.  He will see if the insurance company would respond to it.

John also spoke that the Army Corp of Engineers will be in to inspect the dike.

John further informed the Council that the inmate crew will be in Town on Tuesday, August 9th at 6:30 am to help clean streets, sidewalks from the bridge – up Emma to the north end of Center Street.  If there is additional time they will do some weed eating.

There is no new solution to the chip pile.

Mayor’s Comments
Micki reported that the State will continue on with its chip sealing project and plan to have it done by the end of August.

The Council reviewed the past due accounts.

Gail Burton had submitted a letter, challenging the water overages on her account.  During a time when the reservoir had drained she had been told by a Council member while running their water to flush out the brown water out of their system, to keep track of the meter and the Town would compensate for their overage.  Soon after the Council stated that the Town would not compensate for citizens water overages.  It was the consensus of the Council to split the difference with the Burton’s.

Micki reported she will be meeting Ed Larsen next week regarding the current code compliance issue.  Ed had recently submitted a letter stating their goals for cleaning the property.  Steve noted that some items have been hauled off.

Public Comments
Dan and Julie Hansen were present challenging their utility bill.  They were confused at a couple of meter readings.  The office will review the billings and get back with them.

Vivian announced the Car Show will be next week with a drive in movie showing at the ball park on Friday evening.

Craig asked if the Town would be doing any road oiling this year.  He asked where the money went that would have been spent on oiling.  He voiced his frustration on not being notified that the Town wasn’t going to oil this year.  He questioned how was he to know who to call.

Old Business
Micki reported that there is still an opening on the Planning Commission.

The Council reviewed the different options the Town had for health insurance for the employees.

A spread sheet of various plans and their costs were studied but no decisions were made.

New Business
Thomas made a motion to approve Resolution 11-4R, Rockford’s request for a fire levy that will be placed on November’s ballot.  Steve seconded the motion; motion carried.

Thomas made a motion to adopt Ordinance 11-2, Rockford’s ordinance for adopting its tree advisory board and establishing the Tree City use requirements.  Stan seconded the motion; motion carried.

Lonnie Ottosen had recently submitted a proposal for a pilot GIS mapping program for the Town.  The Council will review it and discuss at a later meeting.

Clint made a motion to approve checks # 11,058- # 11,095 in the amount of $ 56,263.40.  Thomas seconded the motion; motion carried.

            Payroll # 11,059 -  11,066                                     $       5, 566.11
            Claims # 11,058, 11,067 – 11,095                     50,697.29
            Total                                                               $      56,263.40

Meeting adjourned.

Darlene LaShaw, Clerk                                        Micki Harnois, Mayor

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