Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Fairfield Council Minutes, July 5, 2011

JULY 5, 2011
7:00 P.M.
Note to persons reviewing this document: This is not a verbatim transcript. While an attempt has been made to document pertinent points, these minutes contain only a summary of the discussion and voting.

The regular council meeting was called to order on July 5, 2011 at 7:00 by Mayor Ed Huber.

Council members present: Harry Gibbons, Brian Kaufman, Mary Branon and Karrie Stewart. KayDee Gilkey arrived late.

Others present: Tom Smith, Larry Zeug, Josh Larsen-Nowland, Justina Larsen-Nowland, Reese Anderson, Hayden Anderson, Melanie Larsen-Nowland, Melanie Anderson, Travis Glidewell, and Cheryl Loeffler.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by members of the Liberty 4-H Club. The youth then retired the flag that was flown over the capitol on March 1, 2011 and was used in the Memorial Day event. The flag will now be placed in the museum.

Approval of Minutes


Brian Kauffman motioned to approve the June 21, 2011 minutes as presented, seconded by Karrie Stewart. The motion carried.


Brian Kauffman motioned to approve the absence of Mary Branon of June 21, 2011. The motion carried.

Approval of the Claims
Claim vouchers #16248-16272 for $43,401.55 and EFTs for $2,450.35 were approved for payment as presented by Mary Branon; seconded by Karrie Stewart. The motion carried.
Claims: $39,500.17
Payroll: 6,351.73
Total Claims: $45,851.90
Check Registers signed by: Mary Branon, Brian Kauffman, and Karrie Stewart.

Tom Smith was here to expand on the complaint that he filed June 29, 2011which he felt was a result of the camera work and flushing on the main sewer line in the area of Carlton and Second. This work had been contracted out by the Town to Big Sky Industrial (BSI). BSI was notified of this complaint. Tom would like to be notified if and when this line is replaced so that he can have the option to replace his sewer line at the same time.

Engineer Report
2011 TIB application
Ed, Travis and KJ from Century West did a walk around to look at potential projecst for the next Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) funding cycle. They discussed continuing up Main Street to McNeil along with sidewalk repair/replacement. There was also discussion about the sidewalk from Spokane Street to Carlton Avenue and the crosswalks into Thiel Park. Both the north and south ends of the park are very dangerous crossings, especially for children trying to cross to get to the park. The possibility of putting in some type of electronic crossing device will be looked into. KJ will put together a grant proposal for this along with the cost estimate.

Ed and Travis will do a walk around with Randy Noble from TD&H for the same project and TIB funding.

The council discussed how important it is to make sure that there are funds in the budget for this type of project.

Progress Payment #1
Progress payment #1 to Accelerated Construction & Excavating for the amount of $67,453.85 for the Main & Ticknor Pedestrian Bridge project was presented for authorization.

Brian motioned to authorize Progress Payment #1 to Accelerated Construction & Excavating for $67,453.85; seconded by Mary. The motion approved.

I&I project
The end of project report for the I&I study was prepared by KJ and sent to CDBG, as required. The Town was funded for $20,655 for the I&I project.

Personnel Policy
The attorney has sent the policy back with his suggested changes. Cheryl went over the changes with the council and no additional changes were made.

Brian motioned to approve the changes made by the attorney to the Personnel Policy; seconded by Mary. The motion carried.

All four employees will receive a copy of this new policy and are asked to read it. They will then be given an opportunity to ask questions or concerns of the council before they sign the policy.

Adoption of Resolution 2011-03 Adopted Comprehensive Six-Year Plan

KayDee motioned to adopt Resolution 2011-03 Six-year Comprehensive TIP/CIP; seconded by Mary. The motion carried.

Cemetery mowing
Ed did visit with the provider and advised him about the public concerns with the lawnmowing and the weedeating. He also asked the provider to mow the area with the grave markers every time and the open area every other time.

Sidewalk repair/Loss control grant
Ed visited with Janice Howard from RMSA at the annual meeting last week about taking the town equipment outside of the city limits and she stated that the equipment is definitely insured if it leaves the city limits. He also asked about using someone that was not bonded to do the sidewalks and she strongly advised against it for the main reason that if something happens to go wrong, the Town would be held liable instead of the insured contractor. She did suggest that we apply for another Loss Control Grant through RMSA this year for sidewalk repair and add it to the $2000 that the Town has already received so more repairs can be accomplished.

Pig complaint from previous meeting update
The owner called on 6-27 stating that the pig was to be butchered within a week. It was reported that as of tonight, the pig has not been removed. Cheryl will contact the owner again. He will be notified to have the pig removed by Monday, July 11. If he does not want to butcher the pig, Mary Branon may possibly have placement possibilities for him.

Utility tax update
According to Paul Kimmel from Avista, Schedule 58 filing for Fairfield was on the WUTC “no action” agenda on 6-30-2011. He did not expect any problems with this going through with the tariff change effective date of 7-1-2011.

Portland Avenue
Sylvia Ferrin from Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) advised that the proposed federal functional classification for Portland Avenue needed to be changed from a rural minor collector (Bradshaw Road) to rural major collector (Prairie View). KJ from Century West changed the form and Sylvia resubmitted the form for the reclassification of Portland Avenue.

Fairfield sign
This was removed from this week’s agenda.

Washington Finance Officers Association
Cheryl would like to attend the Washington Finance Officers Association (WFOA) Annual conference, September 13-16 in Spokane. The fee is $300 but she will apply for a scholarship.

Mary motioned to authorize Cheryl attending the WFOA Annual Conference in Spokane either receiving a scholarship or paying $300; seconded by Harry. The motion carried.

Public Works Report
There was no prepared report tonight.

A quote for the purchase of a grasshopper was provided to the council for their information. There has not been a date set for a demonstration yet.

Travis has been in contact with Spokane County about stock piling 1 ¼” and 5/8” rock and gravel from them and the County will sell the rock and gravel at $4.50 and $5.50 a cubic yard. This is a significant lower price than if he were to buy it anywhere else. This would be loaded and hauled by Travis and Derek and with the Town’s equipment. They will look into the possiblity of renting a larger truck to make the job go faster.

Using the Town’s truck, Travis thinks it could take up to five days to haul this much product. He was given some names of large truck owners that he will look into and Ed will contact someone in Worley. It is in the Town’s best interest to stockpile over the next couple of years

The trees at the treatment plant are on a watering schedule.

Cheryl was contacted by Claire Wittman from SNAP about an Energy Heating Assistance Rural Outreach program that is available to the local rural communities. For more information, the contact number for people to call is 509-242-2376 or They will be in Fairfield on Tuesday, July 19 for appointments.

Review Complaints & Compliments
7-5-2011 Chickens: Free range chickens at 503 S 1st Street are in the neighbor’s yard leaving manure in the driveway and damage to the flower beds. The request is to have the chickens in a coop. Cheryl will send a letter along with the Nuisance Ordinance #334.

With no other business, the regular council meeting for July 5, 2011 adjourned at 8:21.
Mayor Ed Huber Clerk/Treasurer Cheryl Loeffler

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