Town Council
December 21, 2011
7:00 p.m.
Public Hearings
Mayor Micki Harnois opened the Public Hearings after the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Council members present were: Clint Stevenson, Steve Meyer, Jim Oshanick, Stan Seehorn, and Thomas Smith. Public Works John Goyke and Clerk/Treasurer Darlene LaShaw were also present.
A Public Hearing was held for Rockford’s amended 2011 budget. Darlene spoke of the increased expenditures that had affected different funds. The Sheriff’s contract, equipment and vehicle repair and the water leak/street repair on Emma Street were a few of the items that had increased expenditures.
Jim Oshanick had asked if funds were set aside for repairs on the SW reservoir. Darlene said that there was in the 2012 budget.
With no further comments the hearing was closed.
A Public Hearing was held for Rockford’s 2012 budget. Darlene spoke about her concerns regarding the Sheriff’s contract for the 2012 year. Although the Town had yet received any information on the cost for next year’s contract she knew it would be over $35,000. She emphasized the Town did not have the funds to continue to pay for the contract for that high of an amount. She further indicated that did not receive any direction from the Council for what costs to cut in order to pay for the contract.
Jim asked if the Town had received any further information from either Mark Richard or Ozzie regarding changing the information the deputies mark while ticketing traffic violators. Micki informed him that, no, the Town had not.
Stan Seehorn mentioned that the issue of double taxing was going to be investigated as well.
Steve reported that the Town’s contract is more expensive due to more action in the Town as he reminded that a State Highway went through here. That issue was going to be reviewed as well.
Darlene emphasized that if the Town decides to agree with the Sheriff’s contract the Council will have to look to see what expenditures to cut to help pay for the contract. She reported that it needed to be done early in the year opposed waiting until June.
She also reminded the Council that the Criminal Justice funds may be decreased. The Town will know more after the State is out of its session.
She further explained that at this time she reduced the revenue from the liquor taxes in half.
Thomas Smith asked if the repairs for the SW reservoir roof would come from the water reserve fund. Darlene explained that she had budgeted to be paid out of the water fund. She added that she budgeted to transfer funds to go to the water Reserve fund as well. She also budget funds to be transferred from the Sewer Fund into the Sewer Reserve fund too.
With no further comments the hearing was closed.
Council meeting
Mayor Micki opened the Council meeting. The same Council members who attended the hearings attended the Council meeting.
Micki thanked everyone for their prayers and support for the loss of her father.
Micki reported the Rockford Area Museum had recently received a National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Historic Preservation Recognition Award.
Micki had spoken to Tom Board the man who placed the silo on Lake St. He had moved the silo further away from the building.
Micki reported that an application to reclassify Missile Rd. had been submitted. The application will be discussed at the SRTC meeting on January 12th.
Moyer’s back taxes were paid off the day before the foreclosure auction. The Town had placed liens on those properties in a total amount of approximately $3.013.00 which was added to the total owed. The Town should receive those funds in January.
Sunshine Disposal will hold a meeting at Fairfield’s Community Center January 12th at 7:00 pm to talk to the small towns on recycling.
Micki had questioned Kathy Creed if she had a chance to review the CD regarding the scenic byway promotional production. Kathy had not had the chance to review it.
Public Comment
Bill Creed asked if a letter had been sent to the man who placed the silo on Lake Street. Darlene explained that a letter was sent to Tom Board advising him he had until December 20th to prove the set backs. Darlene had given him Bob Adams contact information for obtaining a survey. Bob would charge him $500.00 which Tom will not pay that much for one.
A discussion took place regarding the trailer that appears to be sitting on the McIntosh Grange’s property. SCOPE is working on removing the trailer.
A discussion took place regarding squatters on the property that had belonged to Harold Pierce.
Kathy Creed asked if the Code Enforcement person had brought ordinances from other towns for the Council to review. The Council hasn’t seen anything yet. Terry had given Micki a book of the Uniform building codes that the Town can take portions of it and place in its own regulations.
Ed Larson was present regarding the $150.00 fee that was placed on his account for not submitting a meter reading in the month of August. He felt he should not have to pay the amount because he could not find any notification from the Town explaining the $150.00 fee. Darlene reported a letter was sent out in August to all of the inside meter accounts explaining the fee. Larson Farms account was checked off, indicating it was sent to him. Ed said he had never found it. Stan felt being as it was not a certified letter the fee should be waived. He also thought there should be a sliding scale on some fees.
Jim spoke of his thoughts and frustrations on the Town’s water rates and fees. Darlene asked why did he vote for them. Jim claimed that not all the rates and fees were on the document at the time to approve them. Darlene, Clint, Steve and Micki informed him that they were.
Stan made the motion to waive the $150.00 fee for one time only due to the letter not being certified. The motion was seconded by Steve; motion carried.
Ed Larson also spoke of the account receiving late fees when he has paid them on time. John explained that it was due to the $150.00 fee not being paid. The late fees will be taken off the account along with the $150.00 fee.
Gary Wagner was present regarding Thomas, Dean & Hoskins submitting it resignation letter two weeks earlier at the December 7th Council meeting. Gary had received a copy of the letter and a copy of an email Micki had sent to John. The letter that TD&H submitted stated due to accusations from staff. Randy informed Gary that the letter should have stated administration not staff.
The email stated that the reservoir project may be the last project TD&H will do for the Town. Gary asked if this was a Council decision. If so he would like a copy of those minutes.
Steve Meyer spoke that is was not coming from him. He said TD&H has done well for the Town. Steve reported that he had received phone calls asking what our problem with TD&H is.
Stan claimed he had never spoken of either.
Micki further explained that with TD&H there have been constant change orders and it seems like we always run into problems. They had to redesign the reservoir plans.
Steve Meyer stated that it is not always TD&H’s fault. He further stated that it is not individuals who run the Town. He further spoke of hearing Micki talking about Stan moving out of town. Steve informed her that Stan is still living in Town. Micki stated that yes, she knew that.
Kathy Creed spoke that there is a lot of talk at the bar.
Stan Seehorn stated he felt TD&H deserves an apology from the Council.
Steve questioned the statement regarding Stan’s suggested letters of apology that that should be written to TD&H, being left out of the minutes. He believes the minutes should reflect that the Town will send an apology letter to TD&H and Micki had stated she would send one of her own. Minutes amended January 4, 2012
Gary thanked John for working on Frisbie Way. He thought it looked good and will be able to get mail for the time being and the mail boxes will be fixed later.
Jim made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 7th Council meeting. The motion was seconded by Clint; motion carried.
Steve asked if the office looked into the charges on the recent attorney bill. Darlene stated she had believed that Brenda was following up on the bankruptcy issue and did not know about the need to get Council’s approval to contacting the attorney’s office. Stan would like a more itemized bill.
Treasurer’s Report
Darlene gave the Treasurer’s Report for October 2011 as $332,406.88 – all in funds.
Old Business
Micki spoke of having the Council’s retreat in January. Darlene will see if there is a Thursday available at the Valleyford Fire station.
New Business
Thomas made the motion to adopt Ordinance 11-04, Rockford’s amended 2011 Budget. Steve Meyer seconded the budget; motion carried.
Thomas made the motion to adopt Ordinance 11-05, Rockford’s 2012 Budget. Stan seconded the budget; motion carried.
Jim made the motion to adopt the Rockford Fire Department’s Policy & Procedure manual. Thomas seconded the motion; Steve and Stan abstained; motion carried.
Jim nominated Steve for Mayor Pro-tem for a six month period. Thomas seconded the motion; motion carried.
Gary Wagner asked if the Personnel Policy had been updated in the past couple of years. He reported the Council, (few years back), had talked about revising some items. Darlene reported it had been retyped but not updated.
Thomas made a motion to approve Change Order #3 for the PRV valve project on Stringham road in the amount of $20,286.81. Steve seconded the motion; carried. During the work Mt. Crest had found that the existing PRV is not suited to be placed into service and will never perform as anticipated. John asked if the Council wanted him to get the cost for getting the correct valve. It was the consensus of the Council to obtain the information.
John reported that TD&H submitted a status report for the Council. It outlined the Chlorination buildings project with its telemetry and electrical and chemical pumps problems.
Micki stated that Dave Burdick of the DOE had been in Town on the 15th to visit the new reservoir. She also asked John to again explain the idea of having a dive team inspect the tank for rust before the warranty expires. John will find out when the warranty ends and the cost to have it done.
Meeting adjourned.
__________ ________________________
Darlene LaShaw, Clerk Micki Harnois, Mayor